The Declaration on the Right to Declaration recognizes development as a comprehensive economic, social, cultural and political process, aimed at the constant improvement of the well-being of all in…
This training manual component one of the package provider practical guidance principally for the conduct of human rights monitoring in united nations field operations, but it may also be useful to…
Laporan Komisi Nasional Hak asasi manusia yang terdiri dari 4 jilid, jilid pertama tentang hak masyarakat hukum adat atas wilayahnya di kawasan hutan;jilid kedua pelanggaran hak perempuan adat dala…
National institutions must be accessible, especially to people who are exposed to human rights violations or non-fulfilment of their rights. Depending on the national context, these are likely to i…
It is therefore critical that all countries have a say in the process to change the international financial architecture. No equitable and sustainable to transform the current system will come out …
Australia will shortly participate in the Universal Periodic Review at the United Nations Human Rights Council. This significant new process involves a review of the human rights record of each …
Women frequently become subject via the internet to abuse of their human rights, such as through defamation and sexual harassment. the result of such victimization can be particularly detrimental g…
Gender equality issue has been emphasized in discussion on development cooperation in the international community, including the organization for economic for economic cooperation and development a…
Amnesty International si worldwide movement of people who campaign for internationally recognized human rights to be respected and protected. al's vision for every person to enjoy all of the human …
Published by Equality Now, this 36-page booklet discusses the experiences of the Tasaru Ntomonok Initiative (TNI) in Kenya and the Network Against Female Genital Mutilation (NAFGEM) in Tanzania - o…
The Human Rights Fact Sheet series is published by the Officer of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, United Nations.
Human Rights are those rights that every human being prossesses and is entitled to enjoy simply by virtue fo being human. human rights are based on the fundamental principle that all persons posses…
A police training manual in human rights, part of a three-part package including a loose-leaf trainer's guide and a pocket book of human rights standards for police. Part I, on policy and practice …
This guide aims to give indigenous people in Australia information about human rights and the international legal system, information that they can use to improve their lives and the lives of their…
Human rights are widely understood as fundamental entitlements that are inherent to all persons simply because they are human beings. while the idea of human rights has been around for a long time,…
The question of human security in India is much more complex because of the existing deep-rooted multiple exclusions faced by vulnerable groups and communities
A compelling set of twelve organic narratives of West Papuans, replete with professional photographs of life in Papua. Researchers at the Yale University Law School and University of Sydney suggest…
The study is aimed at strengthening the affirmative actions of local indigenous women leaders and their organizations. This is done through a framework where the local indigenous women leaders are …
Released by the Australian Human Right Commission in 2013 – 4.1 million employed people in Australia (38.2 per cent of all employees), have unpaid caring responsibilities. This number will grow s…