This revised edition from the original 2004 version strengthens the widely recognized and highly valued Istanbul Protocol on the effective investigation into and documentation of torture and ill-tr…
The Human Rights Fact Sheet series is published by the Officer of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, United Nations.
A police training manual in human rights, part of a three-part package including a loose-leaf trainer's guide and a pocket book of human rights standards for police. Part I, on policy and practice …
Pembahasan terkait dengan HIV AIDS yang penyajiannya dalam bentuk Komik dan stand up human rights
The international convention on the protection of the rights of all migrant workers and members of their families is the culmination of many years of discussions, reports and recommendations on the…
Diterjemahkan dari professional training series no, 1 human rights and social work (a manual for schools of social work and the social work profession). Dalam dunia begerak perlahan menuju sebuah …