The united partnership for development framework 2016-2020 aims at a strengthened and continued partnership between the government of indonesia and the united nations system to support the achievem…
This Guide focuses on how civil society can follow up on recommendations of United Nations human rights mechanisms and mandates or bodies. The Guide explains what “follow up” and “implementat…
The Declaration on the Right to Declaration recognizes development as a comprehensive economic, social, cultural and political process, aimed at the constant improvement of the well-being of all in…
National human rights institutions and independent human rights institutions for children have a central role to play in contributing to the prevention of maternal and child mortality and morbidity…
Asian and pasific nations are rapidly emerging as engines of global growth. in 2006, the 7.9 per cent increase in the size of the region's developing economies represented a third of worldwide grow…
Hak atas kemerdekaan dan keamanan pribadi adalah hak asasi manusia yang hakiki, yang tercermin dalam larangan internasional atas pendentensian sewenang-wenang, dan didukung oleh hak atas kebebasan …
This training manual component one of the package provider practical guidance principally for the conduct of human rights monitoring in united nations field operations, but it may also be useful to…
Safe water and sanitation are fundamental to human development When people are deprived in these areas, they face diminished opportunities to realize their potential as human beings. Unsafe water a…
UNFPA the united nations population fund, a world where every pregnancy is wanted, every birth is safe and every young persons potential is fulfilled. indonesia remains priority country for UNFPA t…
This Practical Guide was developed in the context of the OHCHR Treaty Body Capacity Building Programme, established by General Assembly Resolution 68/268 to support States parties in building their…
Mengenai pola kinerja UNICEF dalam perkembangan anak
This revised edition from the original 2004 version strengthens the widely recognized and highly valued Istanbul Protocol on the effective investigation into and documentation of torture and ill-tr…
Convention on the elimination of all forms of discrimination against women. Consideration Of Reports Submitted By States Parties Under Article 18 Of The Convention On The Elimination Of All Forms O…
Gender refers to the socially constructed identities, attributes and roles of persons in relation to their sex and the social and cultural meanings attached to biological differences based on sex. …
Conflict today is less about soldiers engaging in battle with soldiers on the other side of a national border and more about combatants struggling for control within a single country and employing …
The Human Rights Fact Sheet series is published by the Officer of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, United Nations.
Dalam Toolkit Gender dan Reformasi Sektor Keamanan menyelidiki bagaimana cara pemaduan isu-isu gender dalam reformasi sektor keamanan (RSK) meningkatkan efektivitas dan pertanggungjawaban sektor ke…
This manual is an exploration of lessons learned and experienced gleaned through program implementation over 3.5 years on seram and ambon islands in the maluku province.
A police training manual in human rights, part of a three-part package including a loose-leaf trainer's guide and a pocket book of human rights standards for police. Part I, on policy and practice …
Dalam situasi normal, perendahan dan kekerasan terhadap perempuan merupakan sesuatu yang telah sering terjadi perempuan dihalangi dari kesempatan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan dan minat-minat pribadi, d…