This book is a reader on violence againts women and their children from khown men. the aim is to present the way in which violence againts women is theorised, and how research and activism have led…
Since the 1970s, violence againts women has become a main issue of concern among women around the world. in many countries, including japan, much effort has been put into creating a body of knowled…
This report provides the project with a current and thorough picture of published research into: - The impact on children of exposure to domestic violence - The profile of symptoms typically pres…
This section of the Training Manual has two aims: 1. To provide some basic legal information for front line workers dealing with family and domestic violence and children 2. To canvass some of th…
This training resource has been designed to provide an appropriate early response startegy for professional groups whose work may involve responding to children who live with family and domesstic v…
This training resource has been designed to provide an appropriate early response startegy for professional groups whose work may involve responding to children who live with family and domesstic v…
This Training Resource has been designed to provide an appropriate early response strategy for professional groups whose work may involve responding to children who live with family and domestic vi…
The worksop introduced and emphasized current concepts and approaches to the issue of domestic violence, namely rights-based and restorative approaches to legislation, as mere punitive measures can…
In 1998, the author, a feminist lawyer, carried out a research project on behalf of Oxfam GB, studying Bosnia and Hercegovina, Croatia, the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, and Albania. Maguire disc…
The focus is on domestic violence in Vietnam, particularly the violence of husband against their wives within marriage. Domestic violence has recently resurfaced as a serious problem in Vietnam sin…
This research paper analyzes the laws of eight countries in Southeast Asia that address DV from the international human rights norms and standards and provides recommendations on how these laws sho…
A workshop report about drafting and adoption of national domestic violence legislation in Cambodia, Laos, Thailand, and Vietnam will make an important contribution to both the local and global ad…
Kekerasan dalam rumah tangga adalah sebuah fenomena yang hingga saat ini merupakan kekejaman yang amat sulit untuk di pantau. Buku ini secara ringkas menjelaskan mengenai tindak kekerasan dalam ru…
This publication is intended to contribute to promoting systematic international co-operation in coping with the problem as one of the major obstacles to the implementation of the provisions in the…
The intent of this manual is to provide guidelines which will enable crisis interventionists from all walks of life to understand the victims (survivors) of domestic violence and to assist such ind…
The initial report briefly reviewed the methodologies and findings of previous Australian studies of the economic costs on domestic violence. An important source is the literature review undertaken…