Pembahasan terkait dengan HIV AIDS yang penyajiannya dalam bentuk Komik dan stand up human rights
This handbook is designed to assist national human rights institutions to integrate HIV into their mandate to protect and promote human rights. It provides a basic overview of the role of human rig…
The paper highlights that the education of children, and youth merits the highest priority in a world afflicted by HIV/AIDS, specifically because a good basic education ranks among the most effecti…
The First Meeting of the Senior Labour Officials Meeting’s Working Group on HIV-BCA Prevention and Control in the Workplace (SLOM-WG-HIV) held in Jakarta, Indonesia, on 20-21 July 2011 adopted th…
Laporan ini merupakan pertanggung jawaban Komisi Penanggulangan AIDS Nasional kepada Presiden, dan merupakan bentuk keterbukaan informasi kepada rakyat Indonesia, termasuk rakyat Indonesia yang hid…
Each year HIV/AIDS claims the lives of millions and profoundly affects the economic, political and social stability of lands and regions. If humanity is not to be overwhelmed by this disease, globa…
The Gender & AIDS Almanac was created to be an easy-to-use resource on the various factors that contribute to the HIV/AIDS pandemic, focusing special attention to the role that gender plays in cont…
The third International Consultation on HIV/AIDS and Human Rights took place on 25 and 26 July 2002. It brought together legal and human rights experts, with particular expertise in HIV/AIDS-relate…