Contains contributions that were presented at, or inspired by, the conference entitled 'Reparations to states, groups and individuals: implementation of state responsibility' organized on the occas…
Is an annual publication containing distributions on topical issues of international law and related fields that are relevant to Baltic affairs and beyond. Aims to contribute to the development of …
Photocopies from many sources: Social structure and value systemns in Southeast Asia; The universal declaration of human rights: is it universal? ; Asian human rights charter: a people's charter, …
This publication is intended to share the results of the training experience with as broad an audience as possible interested in the work of national human rights commission. The CHRF and PHCR hope…
This book provides advocates with a guide to the preparation and presentation of Convention-based arguments before domestic courts and tribunals. It analyses recent domestic courts and tribunals. I…
The publication represented a collective effort of eighteen women's organisations in seven Asian countries, pooling their different experiences and approaches in dealing with the various issues and…
Keinginan untuk menadopsi contempt of court dari sistem yang berlaku di beberapa negara penganut sistem Common Law lebih mengemuka dibandingkan mencari penyebab dalam diri lembaga peradilan.
Contains regional and subregional reports compiled by NGOs in the five regions during the process of the regional meetings. These are followed by an Executive Summary of all the reports received, w…
Semangat untuk membuat lembaga peradilan yang mandiri sebenarnya sudah didengungkan oleh kalangan hakim. Namun baru terwujud pada tahun 1999 dengan diundangkannya UU no. 35 tahun 1999 tentang Perub…
This report is aimed at assessing the future role of the Bank in Korea's SMI sector, based on a survey of the changes in the structure of manufacturing sector and gives an overview of the industria…
Accommodating people's growing demands for their inclusion in society, for respect of their ethnicity, religion, and language, takes more than democracy and equitable growth. Also needed are multic…
The United Nations Handbook is a ready reference guide for delegates, diplomats and foreign ministry officials concerned with UN matters. It is also widely used by the media and non-governmental or…
The United Nations Handbook is a ready reference guide for delegates, diplomats and foreign ministry officials concerned with UN matters. It is also widely used by the media and non-governmental or…
The United Nations Handbook is a ready reference guide for delegates, diplomats and foreign ministry officials concerned with UN matters. It is also widely used by the media and non-governmental or…
Lokalatih ini diselenggarakan untuk demokrasi dan salah satu unsur demokrasi adalah bila konflik-konflik bisa diselesaikan dengan cara-cara non kekerasan. Penanganan konflik dengan cara-cara non ke…
This sourcebook provides a methodological framework for decisions concerning decentralization of agricultural services through deconcentration of the public administration, delegation to public or …
Lemahnya proses penegakan hukum serta kebobrokan lembaga peradilan menimbulkan suatu pesimistis masyarakat, yang pada akhirnya membentuk masyarakat menjadi sebuah komunitas yang apatis terhadap pen…
Terjemahan dari seri fact sheet yang diterbitkan oleh UN Centre for Human Rights. Lembar fakta yang berjumlah 26 buah ini merupakan buku rujukan (referensi) tentang hak asasi manusia: Perangkat ha…
Pembeli adalah raja telah menempatkan masyarakat pada posisi sullt, sulit dalam arti pembeli tidak dengan mudah mendapatkan hak- haknya. Menyadari kelemahan posisi konsumen, pemerintah akhirnya men…