Human rights abuses in intimate relationships can be in form of physical violence and sexual attacks such as wife/husband battery and marital rape. Emotional and verbal slaps contribute to psycholo…
This trend was particularly notable in Latin America, where elected governments in Ecuador and Paraguay confronted attempted coups or instability, and an elected government in Peru undermined democ…
Study of women's rights activists who respond to conflict or crises in their countries. In 2003 the Urgent Action Fund launched a year-long project identifying concrete ways to improve internationa…
Human rights are norms that aspire to protect all people everywhere from severe political, legal, and social abuses. Examples of human rights are the right to freedom of religion, the right to a fa…
The third edition of International Human Rights in Context continues to bring sophisticated and thought-provoking analysis to the study of human rights within its wider social and cultural context.…
Violence against women (VAW) is a violation of human rights which is a form of discrimination against women. It is a manifestation of historically and structurally unequal power relations and inequ…
The right to liberty is crucial since it builds a bridge between the person's forum internum (protection of the internal capacity for self-direction) and the forum externum (preservation of externa…
The women's movement needs to utilize and strengthen all mechanism viable for such causes, and at all levels. To most women's organizations the world over, including Thailand, the international hu…
The 1948 United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights expresses the credo that all human beings are created free and equal. But not until 1995 did the United Nations declare that women’s …
In this book, first published in 2007, Christopher F. Zurn shows why a normative theory of deliberative democratic constitutionalism yields the best understanding of the legitimacy of constitutiona…
Decades of human rights standard-setting in the United Nations (UN) have not countered the misconception of human rights as “alien” or “abstract” ideas. A three-country survey of human righ…
As dictatorships topple around the world and transitional regimes emerge from the political rubble, the new governments inherit a legacy of widespread repression against the civilian population. Th…
Gender equality has become a generally accepted refrain and gained secure positioning within international approaches to, and discourse on, development and human rights. However, it took decades of…
Tiap tahunnya Komnas HAM rata-rata menerima 6.000 berkas pengaduan masyarakat di seluruh Tanah Air selama 5 (lima) tahun terakhir. Untuk tahun 2015 ini, Komnas HAM menerima 8,249 berkas pengaduan d…