It contains a variety of articles relating to human evolution. The writings were selected for their timeliness, relevance to issues not easily treated in the standard physical anthropology text-boo…
The book is for women who work with, or are involved in, groups of women in local communities - youth workers, community workers, community education tutors, HIV/AIDS workers, health promotion work…
The studies presented in this book, amongst other things, examine the operations and activities of organizations operating in the field of Islamic philanthropy in Indonesia, and looks at the unique…
Is a discussion of financial objectives, and show how both managers and investors use accounting statements to assess how well firms are meeting those objectives. It also describes early on the fin…
Politik adalah berbagai kegiatan dalam suatu sistem politk yang menyangkut proses penentuan tujuan dan pelaksanaan seluruh masyarakat melalui pengambilan keputusan berupa nilai, ide, norma, keperca…
This book will help you understand how argument works in the context of various communities; in the process, it will show you that college itself is a community-one that provides a great opportunit…
The volume is organized in two sections, Campaigns and Social Structure, and The Campaign Process. The first section pays particular attention to the social context in which campaigns are designed,…
This book was designed and developed explicitly for a first course in business or corporate finance, for both finance majors and non-majors alike.
The text reflects how information technology (IT) is altering the nature of accounting. It discuss how such developments as the internet, electronic commerce, EDI, databases, and artificial inteleg…
Its aim is to promote inter-religious understanding with a special focus on the study of Islam. It also seeks to encourage reconciliation between people of different faiths within an overall framew…
dilengkapi pembahasan tentang jaringan komputer yang mendukung operasional linux dengan windows
Hibah dan bantuan yang langsung diberikan kepada TNI bisa membahayakan sistem pertahanan nasional. Selain itu, masalah yang senantiasa dimunculkan ketika berbicara tentang pengembangan kemampuan pe…
Berbagai hambatan dan ancaman dan tindakan kekerasan dialamai oleh para pembela hak asasi manusia. Hal ini membuktikan masih lemahnya otoritas negara dalam melindungi para pembela HAM.
Judul asli=Decolonizing Methodologies. Ketika kata ‘penelitian’ diucapkan dalam konteks tata kehidupan bangsa terjajah, kata itu cenderung mendatangkan kenangan buruk. Selama ini, penelitian a…