This guide is intended as a reference tool for data users of all kinds, from interested individuals to grassroots action researchers, from policy analysts to veteran regression analysts. This guide…
This review emanates from concerns regarding the potential for increasing vulnerability of Asian populations, arising from regional and international financial crises, globalization, environmental …
The present regional strategy replaces current strategies for the Philippines, Indonesia, Thailand, and Timor-Leste (formerly East Timor). It also includes a discussion of the composition and exten…
Terjemahan sambutan menteri negara pemberdayaan perempuan republik Indonesia pada berbagai General Discussion
Article The Effect of Population Growth on Economic Growth: A Meta-Regression Analysis of the Macroeconomic Literature Many Studies have sought to gauge the impact of population growth on economic…
1000 women call for reconciliation, transform conflict, risk their lives for their community, educate, advocate for the poor, stand up for human rights, create alternative incomes, care for and re-…
Buku ini mengenai perempuan dan organisasi perempuan di berbagai belahan dunia yang telah berperan dab sukses dalam bidang lingkungan, ekonomi, sosial, dan lainnya.
The third International Consultation on HIV/AIDS and Human Rights took place on 25 and 26 July 2002. It brought together legal and human rights experts, with particular expertise in HIV/AIDS-relate…
This is the first in a series of short books which are the result of a year long process of reflection and learning by Oxfam's staff in East Africa. The series aims to fill a gap identified by thos…
This is the ninth in a series of short books wich are the result of a year long process of reflection and learning bu Oxfam's staff in East Africa. The series aims to fill a gap identified by those…
This is the second in a series of short books which are the result of a year long process of reflection and learning by Oxfam's staff in East Africa. The series aims to fill a gap identified by tho…
As this anthology shows, distancing ourselves from the old patriarch macho image has liberating effect, perhaps particularly for men. It means being able to choose a personal attitude ad relationsh…
Women's rights watch report focussed on the following issues: Violence against women, Reproductive health issues, Women migrant workers, Political and conflict related violence and violations as t…
The UN Millenium Project has been a unique undertaking. Its 10 tasks forces, Secretariat, and board array of pasticipants from academia, government, UN agencies, international financial institution…
The book presents to the agenda of women's rights. The papers herein were presented at the Eight Human rights Colloquium held in Manila in February 2001. The authors trace the struggle of women in …
Contains: Background information on CSBR; Select CSBR meetings, conferences & workshops; Select CSBR press statements; CSBR at international platforms; Select CSBR NGO Statements at the United Nat…
Mendeskripsikan perhatian terhadap hak asasi perempuan dan masalah kesetaraan hak perempuan yang masih tidak diakui. Tema dari buku ini adalah perbedaan gender kebebasan hak asasi perempuan. Dan bu…
This handbook is intended to complement rather than duplicate existing resources. It is not a legal treatise on equality law or economic, social and cultural rights: there are many excellent academ…