Cerita bergambar mengenai permasalahan sosial yang terjadi di Senegal
Cerita bergambar mengenai permasalahan sosial yang terjadi di Togo
This document describes the results of the efforts of the e-9 countries: Bangladesh, Brazil, China, Egypt, India, Indonesia, Mexico, Nigeria, Pakistan in women as educators
Ketenangan di Sri Langka terganggu karena munculnya berita-berita mengenai kekerasan yang terjadi dalam masyarakat sehingga pemerintah Sri Langka dituntut untuk menanggulanginya Fotokopi
Migration for work is becoming an increasingly permanent feature of today's labor markets. Growing inequality between and within countries has added the incentive-and in some case created the bare …
Human rights are a legal statement of what human beings require to live fully human lives. Collectively they are a comprehensive, holistic statement. All human rights-civil, cultural, economic, pol…
This book offers some general guidance on how to carry out an initial assessment of an emergency situation and how to prepare a project in response to the assessment to the assessment's findings.
This handbook has been developed to contribute to a better understanding of migrant worker's right under international human rights instrument. It provides a basic introduction to the labour migrat…
Profil perempuan di Karibia
Paper submitted to the forty-sixth session of the commision on the status of women. Bagaimana keadaan di Burma yang mempengaruhi hak asasi perempuan, baik dari segi kesehatan, pendidikan, sosial, o…
The papers in this Dossier provide an overview of different country and regional experiences in the quest to achieve the promotion both women's rights and gender equality. Varying from country to c…
Myanmar national action plan for the advancement of women
Nowhere is evidence of the vitality of Thai democratic processes more evident than in the Kingdom environmental movement. Women from all walks of life have drawn upon their personal strength, knowl…
Publikasi ini merupakan upaya pengembangan sumber pembelajaran, utamanya untuk memperluas dan memperdalam pemahaman mengenai CEDAW, cakupan dan potensinya. Publikasi ini meliputi isu-isu konseptual…
This publication comprises papers presented at the workshop, reproduced in full to provide reference materials on the theme of Islam, Reproductive Health and Women's Rights, an area in which minima…
Throughout this book emphasis is placed on the implications of motherhood in the conventional approaches to women's rights.
This booklet, based on an issue of the Journal of Humanistics, is dedicated to the theme of global civil society, world citizenship, and education. It's a joint initiative of Hivos and the Universi…
This book gathers together thoughts and experiences of women's rights activists and thinkers from the international women's rights community in the proccess of confronting this reality in order to …
Selain kenaikan bahan bakar minyak, kemiskinan yang semakin merajalela, bencana tsunami dan gempa di wilayah bangsa ini, isu produk hukum juga menjadi tema besar di berbagai media nasional dan bahk…
Segala sesuatu yang diperoleh perempuan hamoir tidak ada yang gratis. Apalagi ketika perempuan menuntut posisi di dalam bidang politik dan pengambilan keputusan, betapa mahal dan sulit perjuangan u…