The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) member countries are always looking for ways to improve their response to trafficking in persons. However, these efforts are being held back by a …
War, poverty, and famine; political, social, and economic change; and the deep seated views and rituals rooted in a culture’s history and traditions all contribute to the widespread and growing t…
The goal of this report is to shine a light on recent accomplishments and encourage governments in their resolve to confront those who prey on the weakest and most vulnerable members of society. To…
Laporan ini diharapkan akan berguna bagi mereka yang bekerja untuk menanggulangi perdagangan di Indonesia, juga bagi mereka yang tertarik dengan isu perdagangan di seluruh dunia. Laporan ini tidak …
Trafficking in persons, their transportation and sale for labour of any kind, whether within or outside national boundaries, is a modern form of slavery and a violation of the human rights of the v…
In her remarks during the opening session of the Regional Consultation on theImplementation of A4A in Bangkok, Thailand on the 28 th August, 2000 – Ms.Muireann O’Brian – the Executive Direct…
Perdagangan manusia terutama perdagangan perempuan dan anak merupakan suatu bentuk perbudakan yang dilakukan secara terorganisasi dengan tujuan untuk mendapat keuntungan dalam industri seks, kerja …
Perdagangan orang merupakan bentuk kejahatan transnasional yang semakin marak terjadi namun sulit untuk dideteksi. Kejahatan ini ditemui di negara berkembang, memiliki jumlah populasi penduduk besa…
Child trafficking is about taking children out of their protective environment and preying on their vulnerability for the purpose of exploitation. Although no precise figures exist, the ILO (in 200…
Perdagangan Manusia di Indonesia semakin ramai, tindak kejahatan ini melanggar hak asasi manusia sebagai Tenaga Kerja Indonesia atau tenaga kerja paksa baik dalam negeri atau dikirim keluar negeri,…
Yang diterima : Vol. no. 1 april 2006
Endangered Generation hopes to share the situation of children trafficked for sexual purposes in seven areas of the Philippines, as well as to determinate its push and pull factors and the response…