Buku "Manajemen Kasus bagi Pekerja Anak" membahas bagaimana penatalaksanaan (pelayanan) bagi Pekerja Anak, dan menghubungkannya dengan sistem sumber daya yang ada di sekeliling anak tersebut. Di lu…
Buku ini menunjukkan bagaimana menstrukturkan negosiasi dan mendesain institusi demokrasi yang mampu mengedepankan kepentingan dan kebutuhan sesungguhnya dari pihak-pihak yang bertikai. Buku ini me…
buku ini mencoba memetakan bagaimana sebaiknya kebijakan multikultural itu diterapkan di negeri yang semajemuk Indonesia.Kebijakan Multikultural itu pertama tama harus mempertimbangkan keragaman id…
Diakui bersama bahwa konflik dan sengketa tenurial dalam Kawasan Hutan, hak masyarakat dalam mengakses sumberdaya alam, dan kepemilikan lahan telah mengakibatkan ketegangan dan mengakibatkan pening…
Brickley/Smith/Zimmerman's new approach to managerial economics takes models from recent economics research and applies this research to the internal structure of the firm. After teaching basic app…
There are many benefits in using content management software (CMS) to support content authoring and site management for both intranets and websites. These benefits can only be realized when the org…
This text is designed for a one-term course in managerial accounting after students have alraady completed one or two terms of basic financial accounting.
Managerial Accounting: Spreadsheet Applications using Microsoft Excel 97 is a supplement which teaches students how to solve managerial accounting problems using excel. The text begins by providing…
Teori sistem, pendekatan sistematik dan pemikiran sistematik sudah mulai dikenal masyarakat sejak lama. Namun, penyebarannya belum terjadi secara menyeluruh. Pendekatan sistematik berbeda dengan ge…
Reporting on results is vital for CIDA so that it is able to support executing agencies and Asian partners in their efforts to produce developments result.
Management of a Sales Force is the #1 selling text in this market. This book covers the concepts and applies the theories associated with managing a sales force. This text is praised for its practi…
Food policies to date in India have seen an marked increase in production. However, equity in distribution and cost checks have had less success. Managing India's Food Economy examines the acheivem…
This section summarises the minimum standards which are expected of any Oxfam office and explains some of the basic procedures and systems which must be put in place at the start of any operation. …
Because the consequences of poorly trained and motivated staff can be so damaging, effective management of people must be considered as a high priority for any manager as the technical aspects of t…
Effective action is dependent upon the effective use of resources, which in turn is achieved by effective management. The financial management of emergency projects can be particularly demanding.
Cases in Electronic Commerce is a collection of 25 full-length case studies written by professors at the renowned Richard Ivey School of Business. Each case study is centered around a real-world co…
A strategic decision-making model based on the underlying processes of environmental scanning, strategy formulation, strategy implementation, and evaluation and control is presented in chapter 1 an…