Di dalam sejarah parta-partai demokrasi, terutama dalam sejarah demokrasi sosial Jerman, program-program partai selalu sangat berperan. Sejak revolusi tahun 1848, dalam program-program kaum demokat…
Accompanying the dramatic decline in Indonesia’s economic fortunes in the late 1990s was an appropriate concern for the social impact of the crisis - its effect on poverty, health, fertility, chi…
This paper broadly evaluates the role and performance of non-governmental development organizations (NGDOs) in promoting social development before and since the 1995 World Summit for Social Develop…
Diterjemahkan dari professional training series no, 1 human rights and social work (a manual for schools of social work and the social work profession). Dalam dunia begerak perlahan menuju sebuah …
Persoalan pengungsi internal tidak dapat dipisahkan dari pemberian bantuan yang layak. Pemberian bantuan kepada pengungsi internal ini berkaitan dengan upaya pelaksanaan hak ekonomi bagi pengungsi …
Human rights are a legal statement of what human beings require to live fully human lives. Collectively they are a comprehensive, holistic statement. All human rights-civil, cultural, economic, pol…
Buku ini menguraikan tentang berbagai tantangan yg dihadapi kaum perempuan. Didalamnya juga dibahas tentang kesehatan reproduksi, kekerasan terhadap perempuan dan pendidikan perempuan.
Myanmar national action plan for the advancement of women
Pada edisi ini berisi artikel di antaranya kebijakan ekonomi dan pemajuan hak-hak ekonomi, sosial dan budaya; membela hak-hak asasi ekonomi dan sosial; danmendapatkan kembali hak-hak ekonomi, sosia…
The women's budget series is not about a separate budget for women. Rather it is an examination of the gendered impact of all parts of the government's annual budget on the citizens of the country.…
Latest findings in this book should sound a global alarm. They are a call for action by governments, the United Nations and other international institutions, NGOs, the private sector and people eve…
This review emanates from concerns regarding the potential for increasing vulnerability of Asian populations, arising from regional and international financial crises, globalization, environmental …
Article The Effect of Population Growth on Economic Growth: A Meta-Regression Analysis of the Macroeconomic Literature Many Studies have sought to gauge the impact of population growth on economic…
Drawing on reports from the world over, details the daily life of parents and other caregivers who are striving-in face of war, poverty and the HIV/AIDS epidemic-to protect the rights and meet the …
Nations are dividing and emerging, and identities are being discovered, or reemphasized. In some places we have had disappeared forever in most of the Western world. In many situations, very hard c…
Artikel di antaranya : Demokrasi dan kemerdekaan, Rame-rame berebut Indonesia, serta HAM dalam perspektif Islam.