Judicial Review dua Peraturan Daerah (Perda) yang diajukan permohonannya kepada Mahkamah Agung oleh masyarakat telah ditolak dan dinyatakan bahwa keduanya tetap berlaku. Pada Perda Tangerang, putus…
Buku ini adalah wujud dari langkah bersama para perempuan pembela HAM di Indonesia untuk bersepakat memperjuangkan hak-haknya sebagai manusia dan juga sebagai perempuan pembela HAM. Tidak terbatas …
Pada November 2003 Komnas Perempua melakukan konsultasi mengenai kondisi perempua di Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam dengan 6 organisasi non pemerintah yang bekerja untuk pemberdayaan ekonomi perempuan, …
Komnas Perempuan menerima pengaduan dari warga Desa Renokenongo warga korban semburan lumpur dari proses eksplorasi gas bumi oleh PT. Lapindo Brantas. Dalam rapat paripurna 5 Juni 2007 diputuskan u…
Dalam kondisi damai, ternyata kondisi serupa tahanan juga ditemui, ketika di tahun 2010 Komnas Perempuan menerima pengaduan dari suami para penjual minuman dalam kafe yang memang berada di kawasan …
is a compilation of writings by the participants of the Writers for women"s rights program. Featuring a variety of styles and genres proses, poetry, fiction. This paper explicates the contempor…
Whilst equal pay, maternity rights and sex discrimination, including sexual harassment, have received attention from feminist scholars, there is an increasing awareness that it is the whole of the …
Feminist engagement with law has taken a variety of forms over the years. Through litigation, campaigns for legal reform and legal education, feminists have engaged explicitly with law and the lega…
This book explores the rise and fall of a grassroots, girl-centered organization, GirlZone, which sought to make social change on a local level. Whether skateboarding or designing Web pages, celebr…
Seeds 2" documents economically viable projects borne from women's own initiatives and solidarity in Ecuador, Ethiopia, India, Mozambique, Nepal, Sudan, Thailand, the United States, and Zambia. The…
This book argues that the identities and activities commonly associated with women have been eliminated from the theories formulated about international relations. The author points out that these …
The book is designed for students in law, philosophy, political science, sociology, and women's studies who wish to gain an understanding of this new field of study. It also designed for the genera…
The work of the indefatigable Alice Hanson Cook has benefitted the lives of working people—and especially working women—on four continents. Her pioneering work in union organizing, worker educa…
the book is an initiative to advance our understanding of feminist movements in the current global context, and to apply that understanding to strengthening the capacity of women's organizations to…
This book is an expression of 20 years of history of the Latin American and Caribbean Committee for the Defence of Women’s Rights (CLADEM) in their defence of women’s rights as well as the outc…
FEMINIST THOUGHT merupakan sebuah pengantar paling komprehensif tentang peta feminisme. Tong nienuliskannya dengan sangat detail disertai referensi yang sangat kaya. Seperti yang ditulis Tong sendi…
In October 2007, the Youth Coalition collaborated with CREA and CWGL (Centre for Women’s Global Leadership) to organize an international multigenerational dialogue, entitled Listening to Each Oth…
Buku panduan bagi pekerja hak asasi perempuan untuk mendalami lebih jauh mengenai feminisme. Feminist Therapy focuses on empowering women and helping them discover how to break the stereotypes and …
Menulis tentang Rohingya adalah suatu kewajiban sejarah. Karena, etnis minoritas Myanmar yang tertindas berpuluh-puluh tahun di negerinya sendiri ini disebut oleh Medicine Sans Frontiers (MSF) seba…
buku ini bercerita tentang aspek dari kategori hak-hak sipil dan politik serta sejarah perkembangan hak-hak sipil dan politik ,segi-segi hukum dan masing-masing pasal serta ketentuannya. Merupakan …