Menetapkan standar dari praktek yang benar mengenai perlindungan dan bantuan bagi para korban perdagangan anak mulai dari identifikasi awal hingga integrasi akhir dan penyembuhan anak tersebut.
Political instability in the recent past has highlighted the potential dangers to women Indonesia never more evident than the shocking rape of ethnic chinese women during the 1998 rioting
Pembahasan terkait dengan HIV AIDS yang penyajiannya dalam bentuk Komik dan stand up human rights
The international convention on the protection of the rights of all migrant workers and members of their families is the culmination of many years of discussions, reports and recommendations on the…
This revised edition from the original 2004 version strengthens the widely recognized and highly valued Istanbul Protocol on the effective investigation into and documentation of torture and ill-tr…
The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) has published specific fact sheets on most of the international treaties and treaty bodies referred to here. Those intere…
Refugee are ordinary people who have lost everything. But they can regain their livelihood, their homes and their dignity with your help.
This publication contains rich research findings concerning global trends and the prevalence of female genital mutilation/cutting and its linkages with maternal and newborn health. It describes cha…
The Year in Review features the activities of the UN Peacekeeping Missions in 2010, highlighting the successes and challenges that emerge throughout the year towards maintaining peace and security,…
The ninth country programme (2016-2020) is being delivered during a dynamic and changing economic and sociocultural period. Indonesia has experienced improved standars of living as a result of stea…
The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) are time-bound development targets that address many dimensions of poverty, such as hunger, disease, inadequate water supplies and lack of education. This pu…
intended to assist an eve-wider audience in better understanding basic human rights, what the United Nations is doing to promote and protect them, and the international machinery availabe to help real
intended to assist an eve-wider audience in better understanding basic human rights, what the United Nations is doing to promote and protect them, and the international machinery availabe to help real
Contains regional and subregional reports compiled by NGOs in the five regions during the process of the regional meetings. These are followed by an Executive Summary of all the reports received, w…
Accommodating people's growing demands for their inclusion in society, for respect of their ethnicity, religion, and language, takes more than democracy and equitable growth. Also needed are multic…
The United Nations Handbook is a ready reference guide for delegates, diplomats and foreign ministry officials concerned with UN matters. It is also widely used by the media and non-governmental or…
The United Nations Handbook is a ready reference guide for delegates, diplomats and foreign ministry officials concerned with UN matters. It is also widely used by the media and non-governmental or…
The United Nations Handbook is a ready reference guide for delegates, diplomats and foreign ministry officials concerned with UN matters. It is also widely used by the media and non-governmental or…
Terjemahan dari seri fact sheet yang diterbitkan oleh UN Centre for Human Rights. Lembar fakta yang berjumlah 26 buah ini merupakan buku rujukan (referensi) tentang hak asasi manusia: Perangkat ha…