This book addresses the changing world of work in the context of globalization from a gender perspective. It argues that gender is an indispensable factor in economic policy design and implementati…
Buku panduan bagi tenaga kesehatan dalam deteksi dini dan pelaporan tindak kekerasan terhadap anak.
The convention is a comprehensive international treaty focusing on the protection of migrant workers rights. It emphasizes the link between migration and human rights - a policy topic that is drawi…
Sejak UNESCO meluncurkan program kebudayaan perdamaian dalam bulan Februari 1994, manusia dari seluruh segi kehidupan dan dari semua benua bersama-sama menghadapi tantangan bergerak meninggalkan ke…
The handbook provides examples of best legislative and regulatory practices gathered from around the world. Best practices are given for each of the twelve guidelines contained in the International…
In April 2000 more than 1,100 participants from 164 countries gathered in Dakar, Senegal, for the World Education Forum. Ranging from teachers to prime ministers, academics to policymakers, non-gov…
Migration can be an empowering experience for womern. In the process of international migration, women may move away from situations where they live under traditional, patriarchal authority to situ…
Naskah ini terdiri dari 4 bagian utama. Bagian 1 menjelaskan alasan mengapa pencegahan HIV harus diperkuat secara signifikan untuk menjawab tantangan-tantangan yang ada dan memanfaatkan kesempatan …
The United Nations Handbook is a ready reference guide for delegates, diplomats and foreign ministry officials concerned with UN matters. It is also widely used by the media and non-governmental or…