Laporan ini didasarkan atas absennya suara perempuan dalam tata pemerintahan yang sudah berlangsung lama dan sebagian besar disebabkan oleh rendahnya representasi dan partisipasi perempuan di struk…
Badan Pusat Statistik telah menyelesaikan proyeksi penduduk Indonesia (2005- 2015). Namun demikian, kebutuhan data proyeksi ini masih dirasakan kurang cakupan periodenya juga ragam penyajiannya. Un…
Some of the country programmes dealing with women in development have been quite successful in UNICEF's East Asia and the Pacific Region in the process of empowering women. The following pages docu…
Perspektif yang dimaksudkan itu adalah pembacaan atas kenyataan bahwa energi demokratik Indonesia sebagian besar justru berasal dari kekuatan-kekuatan popular, bukan dari kelas menengah, apalagi ke…
Keberhasilan Global dalam melawan HIV/AIDS hendaknya terhadap anak-anak dan generasi muda kita. Apakah mereka mendapatkan informasi yang dibutuhkan untuk melindungi dari diri HIV? Apakah anak perem…
The Commercial sexual exploitationof children asumes many form and has many face. Children are enslaved by a chain of actors, all of whom profit in someway. The chain can be long, linking a child …
The former United Nations Commission on Human Rights emphasized, in a number of resolutions, the importance of an environment conducive to the full enjoyment of all human rights. It also underlined…
The Human Rights Fact Sheet series is published by the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, United Nations Office at Geneva. It deals with selected questions of human ri…
In its decision 2001/111, the Commission on Human Rights invited the High Commissioner for Human Rights and the Executive Director of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) to consider the…
Under international human rights law (as well as in terms of its application at the national level), civil and political rights have, in many respects, received more attention, legal codification a…
The importance of ensuring that human rights are protected under the rule of law has been emphasized by the United Nations since the drafting of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and has g…
The International Bill of Human Rights consists of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, and the International Covenant on C…
The eradication of the practice of torture in the world was one of the major challenges taken up by the United Nations only a few years after its establishment. In order to ensure adequate protecti…
intended to assist an eve-wider audience in better understanding basic human rights, what the United Nations is doing to promote and protect them, and the international machinery availabe to help r…
The Charter of the United Nations includes among its basic principles the achievement of international cooperation in promoting and encouraging respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms for…
Slavery was the first human rights issue to arouse wide international concern. Yet, in the face of universal condemnation, slavery-like practices remain a grave and persistent problem in the closin…
Millions of people around the world look to the United Nations to resolve problems that affect their daily lives. They expect the United Nations to work towards the improvement of their standard of…
intended to assist an eve-wider audience in better understanding basic human rights, what the United Nations is doing to promote and protect them, and the international machinery availabe to help r…
intended to assist an eve-wider audience in better understanding basic human rights, what the United Nations is doing to promote and protect them, and the international machinery availabe to help r…
This was the end of a process which had begun with the preparations for the 1979 International Year of the Child. That year, discussions started on a draft convention submitted by the Government of…