Asian and pasific nations are rapidly emerging as engines of global growth. in 2006, the 7.9 per cent increase in the size of the region's developing economies represented a third of worldwide grow…
Program Book: International Conference And Workshop On Gender: Women's Leadership and Democratisation In The 21 Century Asia
Setelah pendudukan jepang yang menimbulkan banyak penderitaan dan kesengsaraan terhadap manusia khususnya terhadap perempuan dan anak-anak berakhir, fokus negara jepang dan bekas negara-negara asia…
Gender equality issue has been emphasized in discussion on development cooperation in the international community, including the organization for economic for economic cooperation and development a…
Hasil dari penelitian ini sangat bermanfaat dan muncul di saat yang tepat untuk kawasan Asia Tenggara. Dampak terbesar dari pengurangan risiko penyiksaan terdapat dalam tindakan-tindakan yang me…
Why global Future Instittute is prompted to raise an issue of japanese militarism and its was crimes in Asia Pasific as major them in our book project. its was started on 25 october 2010 where our …
Finnish journal of ethnicity and migration special issue female genital cutting in the past and today
Conflict prevention conflict resolution and peacebuilding are critical issues that need to be addressed to achieve sustainable development and global peace. the unprecedented and repeated crises, t…
Comprehensive sexuality education imparts critical information and skills for life. these not only include knowledge on pregnancy prevention and safe sex, but also understanding bodies and boundari…
Children's diverse experiences during periods of conflict, post-conflict and peacetime reveal that their roles in society and political communities are complex. Based on this premise, this book sug…
The gender inequality is the product of a failure of recognise women's knowledge and knowhow. we sometimes forget that what women are responsible for half of human knowledge an technical expertise.
The main purpose of this current project is to develop potential scenarios regarding families of the future by predicting directions of change.
Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde (Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences of Southeast Asia), now more than one-and-a-half century old, is an interdisciplinary journal on Southeas…
Gender-based violence (GBV) is a fundamental violation of human rights. It is one of the worst manifestations of gender-based discrimination, disproportionately affecting girls and women. GBV is a …
Jurnal Global Vol. 16 ini diisi dengan berbagai artikel terkait dengan institusi multirateral ataupun organisasi internasional dan kebijakan luar negeri.
Dokumen hasil pertemuan ini sebagai non-paper dari para wakil Indonesia untuk AICHR dan ACWC. Mengingat tanggapan yang positif dari wakil pemerintah Indonesia dalam pertemuan par ahli.
Kawasan Asia Timur yang secara alamiah merupakan kompleks keamanan (security Complex) memiliki beberapa kondisi yang menghambat terwujudnya suatu pengaturan keamanan multilateral. Kondisi-kondisi t…
As is well known in all demographic text books, population dynamics is attributed to changes in fertility, mortality, and migration. The change in fertility will immediately change the number of th…
Berangkat dari pentingnya menghadirkan sebuah dokumen yang mengulas situasi kebebasan beragama di Asia Tenggara, diranah normatif atau implemetasi, penelitian yang dibuat oleh HRWG dan di dukung ol…