Oral History is a means of recording the past, throught interviews. There has been much oral history activity in southeas Asia since the 1960s at both the institutional and individual levels. this …
Wilayah Asia-Pasifik tidak setenang nama yang diembannya. Meskipun risiko konflik antar negara telah banyak berkurang dalam beberpa tahun terakhir ini, namun satu dekade terakhir telah memperlihatk…
Wacana demokrasi terus bergulir, ia pun seakan menjadi “juru selamat” bagi ketidakberdayaan rakyat yang tereksploitasi oleh rezim yang totaliter dan represif. Demokrasi tidak hanya menjadi waca…
Pertama, buku ini layaknya sebuah oase di tengah gurun pasir siang hari yang terik bagi pengembangan Hubungan Internasional, khususnya sub-kajian Ekonomi Politik Internasional (Ekopolin) di Indones…
The Asia Pacific region is not as peaceful as the name implies. Although the risks of interstate conflicts have receded in recent years, the last decade has seen an upsurge in violent internal conf…
Young people are at the centre of the global HIV/AIDS pandemic. They also are the world’s greatest hope in the struggle against this fatal disease. Today’s youth have inherited a lethal legacy …
Buklet ini menjabarkan arah strategis Bank Dunia dalam Merespon HIV?AIDS di wilayah Asia Timur dan PAsifik. Dijelaskan juga resiko terjadinya epidemi HIV/AIDS berskala besar dan memaparkan berbagai…
The worksop introduced and emphasized current concepts and approaches to the issue of domestic violence, namely rights-based and restorative approaches to legislation, as mere punitive measures can…
The case of the Filipino Comfort Women offers a rich source of information and materials for students of history and concerned women and individuals covering the whole period from 1991 to the prese…
Statistics paint a horrifying picture of the social and health consequences of violence against women and children. For women aged 15 to 44 years, violence is a major cause of death and disability.…
Buku ini menyajikan hasil studi wilayah mengenai kebebasan berserikat, berkumpul dan menyatakan pendapat, khususnya di wilayah Asia, Meskipun studi ini hanya menjangkau 5 Negara di Asia seperti Chi…
In conjunction with the 60th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 1948, it is with much pleasure and solidarity that I present you FORUM-ASIA’s publication on “Human Righ…
Transnationalism can be defined as a social process whereby migrants operate in social fields that transgress geographic, political and cultural borders. As a conceptual tool, it offers an alternat…
Migrant domestic workers (also known as foreign home care workers, foreign domestic workers,foreign domestic helpers, transnational domestic workers, foreign domestic employees, overseas domestic w…
This is perhaps the most thorough analysis of conflicts in the Asia Pacific region, and the most comprehensive database of civil society actors involved in conflict prevention. the reflections and …
Apa dampak yang diakibatkan oleh pembangunan ekonomi yang pesat terhadap perempuan terhadap manusi asia? Mengapa asia masih merupakan tempat bagi sejumlah besar perempuan yang teraniaya? Bagaimana …
This publication comprehensively examines and analyses gender equality laws from around the world, providing a range of CEDAW-informed good practice examples. It addresses the need for clear recomm…
Violence and discrimination against women continues with impunity in many parts of the region and continues to be one of the most visible manifestations of the unequal and unjust power relations be…
This book is about six women from Fiji, India, Korea, Kyrgyzstan, Malaysia and the Philippines who entered the political arena to be involved in political decision making machineries, to influence …
Buku pengantar ini secara ringkas memaprkan peluang yang terjadi dalam proses tata kelola pemerintahan dan terutama penganggaran di Indonesia dan kebijakan yang telah dilakukan sebagai upaya mengin…