This Guide focuses on how civil society can follow up on recommendations of United Nations human rights mechanisms and mandates or bodies. The Guide explains what “follow up” and “implementat…
The Declaration on the Right to Declaration recognizes development as a comprehensive economic, social, cultural and political process, aimed at the constant improvement of the well-being of all in…
National human rights institutions and independent human rights institutions for children have a central role to play in contributing to the prevention of maternal and child mortality and morbidity…
This Practical Guide was developed in the context of the OHCHR Treaty Body Capacity Building Programme, established by General Assembly Resolution 68/268 to support States parties in building their…
This revised edition from the original 2004 version strengthens the widely recognized and highly valued Istanbul Protocol on the effective investigation into and documentation of torture and ill-tr…
A police training manual in human rights, part of a three-part package including a loose-leaf trainer's guide and a pocket book of human rights standards for police. Part I, on policy and practice …
The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) are time-bound development targets that address many dimensions of poverty, such as hunger, disease, inadequate water supplies and lack of education. This pu…