Permasalahan kesehatan di Indonesia masih sangat memprihatinkan, hal ini dapat ditunjukkan dengan masih tingginya angka kematian ibu melahirkan dan bayi, kecilnya porsi anggaran pemerintah untuk ke…
Survey of Job Adaptation Of North Korean Female Refugees and Policy Suggestions english research paper 6 2014
Since the currency crisis in 1998, a number of studies have been conducted to uderstand youth unemployment and a variety of employment policies have been implemented at the government level.
Recent policies related to the safety of women have been mainly ex post facto remedies focused on the punishment of the attacker. however, in order to reduce violence against women, it is necessary…
Gender equality issue has been emphasized in discussion on development cooperation in the international community, including the organization for economic for economic cooperation and development a…
This paper is designed to continuously identify women and family relate legislative tasks and to thereby support the gender-sensitive legislation of the national assembly, etc. legislation signific…
in one's old age, people wish to still have productive and active lives without being isolated by the society. this is what many people hope and worry about. for centenarians to still have an activ…
The korean government has implemented various policies to solve problems of overeducation, difficulties of young people's getting a job, and difficulaties of securing skilled workforce. Through the…
To improve the people's perception of welfare, "restructuring of the welfare delivery system toward a people centered and customized system" has been underway as a national agenda. as welfare servi…
The present study deals with management strategies and methods for gender impact assessment (GIA) focusing on mid/long term plans and public institution project in the policy areas of culture, agri…
while it is unarguable that the utilization of female talents is essential in achieving the government's national agenda of 70% employment rate, the employment rate of women aged 15 or older is mer…
Institutional changes for the reduction of working hours is being planned. it is related to the changes in industries targeted under special provisions on working hours and the statutory interpreta…
IN THE PAST FEW DECADES, states, civil society, and the corporate world have been obliged to review and rethink the whole range of development issues. As the world stumbled from crisis to crisis, a…
People with disabilities represent a large share of the population in the developing world, one that is consistently among the most vulnerable. they are marginalized, excluded, isolated and depende…
The CPTPP, or TPPA-11 as it has been nicknamed, was signed on March 8, 2018 in Chile with the remaining original members of the TPPA bar the US: Australia, Brunei, Canada, Chile, Japan, Malaysia, M…
The Ultimate goal of policies for disable individuals is not simply to provide benefits to those suffering from disabilities, but to assist them inleading satisfying lives as full members of societ…
A compelling set of twelve organic narratives of West Papuans, replete with professional photographs of life in Papua. Researchers at the Yale University Law School and University of Sydney suggest…
We know only too well that along with children and the elderly, women are the primary victims of conflicts today. But too often this perception of women as victims during violent conflict and war o…
This purpose of this research is to examine and discuss from the victims perspective the accesibility to support services after the assaults, predicaments and experiences of the secondary victimiza…