Di seluruh dunia, terdapat sekitar satu miliar penyandang disabilitas atau 15 persen dari total penduduk dunia. Penyandang disabilitas menghadapi berbagai keterbatasan akses atas pendidikan, layana…
Publikasi ini disusun berdasarkan komitmen dan kerjasama secara simultan antara seluruh anggota Konsorsium Nasional Untuk Hak Difabel yang memiliki komitmen terhadap perubahan sosial yang terkait d…
Theories of social justice are necessarily abstract, reaching beyond the particular and the immediate to the general and the timeless. Yet such theories, addressing the world and its problems, must…
Finding the key to achieving harmonious co-existence among ethnic groups with different cultural traditions in a multi-ethnic state is a major problem worldwide. Qinghai is located at the intersect…
A disability is defined as a condition or function judged to be significantly impaired relative to the usual standard of an individual or group. The term is used to refer to individual functioning,…
Buku ini merupakan sebuah karia tulis ilmiyyah yang disusun oleh SIGAB (Sasana Integrasi dan Adfokasi Difabel) yang menyoroti kerentanan 10 keluarga difabel dalam ranah ekonomi, politik, sosial, pe…
Bangsa-Bangsa yang mengakui martabat dan nilai yang melekat serta Hakhak yang setara dan tidak terpisahkan bagi seluruh anggota keluarga manusia sebagai dasar dari kebebasan, keadilan, dan perdamai…
This book contains a global comparative study of implementation and monitoring mechanisms for national disability strategies. It comprises a comparative study that was conducted at international, r…
Women with disabilities are women first, sharing the dreams and disappointments common to women in a male-dominated society. But because society persists in viewing disability as an emblem of passi…
The right to liberty is crucial since it builds a bridge between the person's forum internum (protection of the internal capacity for self-direction) and the forum externum (preservation of externa…
Yang diterima: vol. 2 no.2 2015