Hukum pidana materiil malaysia dapat memberikan perlindungan hukum represif terhadap PPMI di sektor domestik yang mengalami kekerasan seksual di malaysia. selain itu penulis juga akan membahas meng…
gender budgeting has been quickly established and developed every year in terms of the number of target project and scale of the budget, despite its limited time frame. in order to ensure the good …
Persoalan hukum yang masih sering timbul tentang darat yang berkaitan dengan perbatasan sebagai warisan masa lalu, khususnya di negara-negara bekas jajahan, adalah tentang klaim tumpang tindih anta…
vol. 5, no. 2 desember 2012
Penulis menyoroti dan menganalisis tingkat pengaruh Islam menekan identitas Melayu dibanding terhadap kekuatan-kekuatan lain, khususnya dalam hal etnis. Buku ini membahas konsekuensi kebangkitan Is…
This is a summary report of Women's Aid Organisation (WAO), Malaysia's national research on domestic violence. This study included the prevalence of physical abuse; public responses; and problems f…
Hak untuk bekerja adalah merupakan bagian dari hak asasi manusia, sebagaimana yang tercantumUndang-Undang Dasar Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 1945 pada Pasal 27 ayat (2) dan Pasal 28 D ayat (2). …
This book sets out to demonstrate many arguments - pros and cons of the whole debate on the Kelantan Criminal Syariah Enactment (II) 1993. It provides arguments by various groups - Sisters in Islam…
Women in Malaysia constantly face problems in getting access to justice in matters pertaining to their marital relationships. These problems increase manifold when matters brought to court involve …
Yang diterima : Edisi no. 55/15 maret - 15 april 2007, Komersialisasi simbol-simbol agama dalam sinetron, fenomena media masa depan pejabat malaysia murka, gaya hidup berpacaran di televisi ; Edisi…
Buku yang secara khusus membahas pergerakan Islam kontemporer di tiga negara - Indonesia, Malaysia dan Turki. Buku dengan pendekatan seperti ini memberikan benang merah mengenai persamaan dan perbe…
The study recognises that sexual harassment is still a contentious issue and that people have different perceptions of the issue. Existing literature has also shown that there are differing percept…
This booklet provides information on the legal rights of women in Malaysia, the main laws and procedures which discriminate against women and the difficulties faced by women in the Syariah Court sy…
While the specific charge of wrongful confinement was dismissed, WAO notes there are many disturbing aspects of the case that emerged at trial as reported in the press. Even the honest reponse of R…
Two Dreams draws together the best of Shirley Geok-lin Lim’s short fiction from nearly three decades, most of it never before available in the United States, and includes important new work. The …
Despite the importance of migrant workers to the Malaysian economy, a number of national and international reports have independently documented the continuing high prevalence of labour and human r…
This book aims to explain the labour laws in a simple and straight forward manner, avoiding legal and technical terms, as far as possible. Subsequent amendments and regulations to the original Acts…