Laporan ini disampaikan oleh Komisi Nasional Anti Kekerasan terhadap Perempuan (Komnas Perempuan), salah satu Lembaga Nasional Hak Asasi Manusia (LNHAM) di Indonesia dengan mandat spesifik untuk me…
Laporan ini disusun oleh Komisi Nasional Anti Kekerasan terhadap Perempuan (Komnas Perempuan), salah satu mekanisme HAM di Indonesia berupa badan negara independen untuk penegakan hak-hak perempuan…
Komnas Perempuan as a national human rights institution whose scope of work is to increase public awareness, has the interest in developing a review report on the implementation of BPFA+25 and to b…
Considered the most progressive blueprint ever for advancing women’s rights, the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action has been reprinted in this special edition, which also includes a copy…
Since 1995, WHO with its partners has consistently encouraged governments to improve the effectiveness of national machinery for the advancement of women, and have advocated at the highest politica…
Women's organizations assess U.S. Government Actions on Implementing the Beijing platform, 1995-2000 to mark the fifth anniversary of the Beijing meeting and to review the progress made on implemen…
Women's agenda in the UN: to Beijing & Beyond has some basic information on the UN system.The UN based on Shirkat Gah's experience of leading the Beijing+5 review process in Pakistan.This kit provi…
There was evidence at Beijing+5 that progressive positions on women’s human rights, including reproductive rights, have become more widely accepted. For example, many delegations that had opposed…
Memasuki akhir abad 20 sebuah konperensi tingnkat dunia tentang perempuan ke-4 dilaksanakan di Beijing. Konperensi ini menghasilkan sejumlah rekomendasi untuk dilaksanakan oleh negara-negara anggot…
The Beijing Platform for Action identified as among its critical areas of concern the issue of violence against women, the effect of armed conflict on women and human rights of women. The Platform …