Violence against women is a global issue of pandemic proportions, which has an impact on all societies. It violates the rights and fundamental freedoms of victims. Such violence can have a devastat…
Violence against women cases
Konsep patriarkhi yang di gunakan oleh negara membawa dampak yang sangat besar dalam proses terjadinya kekerasan terhadap perempuan. Patriarkhi akan membagikan peran sosial laki-laki (maskulinitas)…
.This study analyses gender equality policy change initiated by various women’s movements in the context of Indonesia’s democratization. It focuses on advocacy processes for the approval of law…
Sexual violence against women and girls is widespread in conflict and used as a war tactic. Reports from the Democratic Republic of the Congo on the extent of conflict-related sexual violence range…
Pengalaman kerja bersama perempuan korbankekerasan. Dimana perempuan yang mengalami kekerasan ini digambarkan merebut keadilan, karena hampir setiap peristiwa kekerasan yang mereka alami tidak ber…
Some articles and scripts have been adapted for this booklet and appear in five sections, each with a brief introduction. The first section looks at domestic violence and is followed by sections on…
The book is directed primarily to women activists and advocates who are engaged in the daily struggle to overcome violence against women through services programs, education and public awareness ca…
Realitas kasus kasus kekerasan dalam rumah tangga di Indonesia cenderung meningkat dari tahun ke tahun. Keberadaan UU PKDRT secara tidak langsung merubah pandangan masyarakat tentang kekerasan dala…
This book is comprehensive in its coverage of the movement's history and growth from the founding of the firstshelters in 1976 today's global consciousness and activism among women. Schechter exami…
The writer provides a wealth of documentation and testimony to prove the existence of some 2,000 centers where as many as 200,000 Korean, Filipina, Taiwanese, Indonesian, Burmerse, Dutch, Australia…
Profil perempuan di Guyana, Amerika Selatan
Tibetan women's association presents this report to the United Nations and to the International women's community. In this report the present and examine the critical issues concerning the situat…
There are more than 140 million illiterate young people in the world; more than half (86 million) are women. This is one example of why 189 nations adopted women's empowerment and gender equality a…
Pemilu 1999 yang demokratis justru mengurangi jumlah perempuan di parlemen. Organisasi-organisasi perempuan pun memperjuangkan penerapan kebijakan afirmasi dalam bentuk kuota 30% keterwakilan perem…
KATA PENGANTAR Partisipasi Perempuan dalam Musrenbang merupakan isu yang sudah diwacanakan oleh teman-teman di gerakan perempuan sejak beberapa tahun lalu. Tujuannya tdak lain dan tidak bukan yakni…
This book lays out an innovative framework for understanding issues of women’s empowerment. This is the framework conceptualized and used by the Research Programme Consortium on Women’s Empower…
This book attempts to contribute to the Asian review process of the implementation of the Beijing Platform for Action. Each of the country studies explains the socio-political, economic and cultura…
This book focuses primarily on local government budgets, with the first part of the book containing a thorough analysis of women in local government budgets as well as case studies of five municipa…