The manual provides step-by-step, information to guide organizers and trainers in the development of effective legal rights strategies in the African context.
Mendokumentasikan bagaimana hukum suatu negara mempengaruhi kehidupan wanita muslim di Asia Tenggara dan bagaimana hak-hak mereka di negaranya
Buku panduan yang diperuntukan bagi para pekerja hak asasi perempuan sebagai alat efektif dan strategi dalam meningkatkan kepedulian, pemahaman dan analisa kritis mengenai ham perempuan tersebut.
Paper submitted to the forty-sixth session of the commision on the status of women. Bagaimana keadaan di Burma yang mempengaruhi hak asasi perempuan, baik dari segi kesehatan, pendidikan, sosial, o…
The papers in this Dossier provide an overview of different country and regional experiences in the quest to achieve the promotion both women's rights and gender equality. Varying from country to c…
Publikasi ini merupakan upaya pengembangan sumber pembelajaran, utamanya untuk memperluas dan memperdalam pemahaman mengenai CEDAW, cakupan dan potensinya. Publikasi ini meliputi isu-isu konseptual…
This publication comprises papers presented at the workshop, reproduced in full to provide reference materials on the theme of Islam, Reproductive Health and Women's Rights, an area in which minima…
Throughout this book emphasis is placed on the implications of motherhood in the conventional approaches to women's rights.
This book gathers together thoughts and experiences of women's rights activists and thinkers from the international women's rights community in the proccess of confronting this reality in order to …
Mendeskripsikan standar dan format-format dari pendokumentasian kekerasan terhadap perempuan dari eprspektif negara dan para aktivis perempuan. Sehingga dokumentasi ini dapat dipergunakan dalam kam…
Women's rights watch report focussed on the following issues: Violence against women, Reproductive health issues, Women migrant workers, Political and conflict related violence and violations as t…
The book presents to the agenda of women's rights. The papers herein were presented at the Eight Human rights Colloquium held in Manila in February 2001. The authors trace the struggle of women in …