It is specifically to address the changing role of information technology in organizations today. It truly is the information age; IT, information, and people are key competitive tools for all orga…
Memuat hampir 1200 entri meliputi beragam subyek: keagamaan dan praktek-praktek peribadatan, doa, para Nabi, sekte, hukum, kalender, lembaga-lembaga sosial, sejarah, etnografi, kebangsaan, bahasa, …
Greatly expanded and updated, anyone processing and cataloging materials for a library needs this valueable tool. Creating MARC record subject entries is tremendously simplified and understandable.
Ini adalah salah satu setengah dari pasangan kamus Indonesian-English/English-Indonesian. Berisi lebih dari 30.000 headwords dengan entri yang luas yang meliputi kalimat ilustrasi dan contoh. Entr…
This volume consists of 28 authors' collective account of the legislative history of the Elements of Crimes and the Rules of Procedure and Evidence -- two important instruments governing the functi…
Berisi hasil seni patung dari kedua pelukis yang selama ini telah dilakukannya. Dalam bahasa Indonesia dan Inggris.
Economic aspects of the African renaissance. Lesotho intervention: implications for SADC. Military interventions, peacekeeping and the African renaissance. Africa's constitutional renaissance.
Memuat hampir semua instrumen utama hak-hak asasi manusia dunia. Dimuat pula sejumlah naskah lengkap perjanjian-perjanjian internasional HAM, baik yang bersifat umum maupun khusus. Semua instrumen …
contains: -the life support systems of the earth -environment and health -the road to Rio -challenges to change -The council of all beings -the ways forward
Basically the theory of Paulo Freire on developing critical awareness and how to put this theory into practice
Hasil Survei Pusat Bahasa dan Budaya (PBB), kini Center for the Study of Religion and Culture (CSRC) UIN Jakarta, selama tahun 2004-2005 menunjukkan bahwa hampir semua masyarakat Muslim Indonesia p…
Asian Regional Initiative Against Trafficking in Women and Children (ARIAT) Meeting in March 29-31, 2000