As a fourth largest population in the world, indonesia has considered population as a key issue is sustainable development and therefore has committed to implement the ICPD PoA consistently with th…
Agama yang benar adalah anti kekerasan. agama anti kekerasan berarti agama yang terarah pada cinta damai. sebab dari kodratnya, manusia pasti rindu akan kedamaian. namun persoalan mengapa di maluku…
Gender equality issue has been emphasized in discussion on development cooperation in the international community, including the organization for economic for economic cooperation and development a…
In the past, single-person households were concentrated in the older generation, among the ederly who were bereaved of their spouses. recently, however, as single-person households tend to spread o…
To resolve men-oriented social conventions and guarantee the human rights of sexual violence victims, gender -sensitive anaysis is necessary. so far, lots of cases of violence against women are ac…
gender budgeting has been quickly established and developed every year in terms of the number of target project and scale of the budget, despite its limited time frame. in order to ensure the good …
This study is based on a part of driverse attempt to promote gender equality city. specifically, this study attempt to investigate whether gender-equality cities in korea have the potential to esta…
Conversies are currently underway in south korea over the shift welfare paradigm. in reality, however, the nation has rarely taken into account gender perpectives in setting the direction for its f…
in one's old age, people wish to still have productive and active lives without being isolated by the society. this is what many people hope and worry about. for centenarians to still have an activ…
Buku ini mengajak para pembaca untuk melihat realitas-realitas yang di gulati perempuan NTB dalam meretas jalannya sendiri. Dengan begitu kita di ajak untuk menyadari bahwa dunia ini bukan hanya "l…
Gender budgeting in korea, despite its short history, has an incredibly sound legal and institutional basis. however, this does not guarantee a gender equal society. in order for GB to become estab…
The present study deals with management strategies and methods for gender impact assessment (GIA) focusing on mid/long term plans and public institution project in the policy areas of culture, agri…
Legal change have been made in korea regarding family issues, to abolish the gender discriminatory legal portion of inheritance by amending the civil Act, to improve women legal status through intr…
Gender impact assessment (GIA) in korea, formerly based on the 2002 framework Act on women development, reached a turning point with the gender impact analysis and assessmant a act of september 201…
Kekerasan terhadap perempuan adalah bentuk pelanggaran hak asasi manusia terparah yang belum terlalu diakui oleh dunia dan juga merupakan masalah yang serius bila dihubungkan dengan bidang kesehata…
Pengaruh Ideologi Gender Terhadap Citra Perempuan Asli Papua dalam Berpolitik merupakan satu bagian tradisi yang membudaya dalam suku-suku asli di tanah papua, yang terus mengesampingkan posisi da…
Awal tahun ini, pada peringatan hari perdamaian dunia 1 januari 2003, Paus Yohanes Paulus II mengajak kita merenungkan kembali pesan ensiklik Pacem In Terras yang dikeluarkan tahun 1963 oleh Paus Y…
Published by Equality Now, this 36-page booklet discusses the experiences of the Tasaru Ntomonok Initiative (TNI) in Kenya and the Network Against Female Genital Mutilation (NAFGEM) in Tanzania - o…
Forty years have passed since the first UN-organized World Conference on Women in Mexico City in 1975. In that time, women’s rights, and later gender equality, have become firmly established as a…
Panduan pendirian pusat pelayanan terpadu (PPT) di tingkat Kecamatan. PPT Kecamatan adalah konsep pelayanan yang komprehensif disediakan untuk perempuan dan anak korban kekerasan, yang meliputi lay…