Buku pengantar ini secara ringkas memaprkan peluang yang terjadi dalam proses tata kelola pemerintahan dan terutama penganggaran di Indonesia dan kebijakan yang telah dilakukan sebagai upaya mengin…
This book is the introduction to four compilations of experiences in developing and implementing gender responsive budgets in several localities that have been the targets of Asia Foundation progra…
Drawing on a wealth of ethnographic fieldwork, this anthology examines the complexities of identity formation and self-positioning in post-colonial contexts, ranging from the impact of Christian mi…
Decades of human rights standard-setting in the United Nations (UN) have not countered the misconception of human rights as “alien” or “abstract” ideas. A three-country survey of human righ…
This book reveals that the majority of South East Asian countries already have plural legal systems and to some extent custom is recognized as a source of rights in the constitutions and laws of a …
Diakui bersama bahwa konflik dan sengketa tenurial dalam Kawasan Hutan, hak masyarakat dalam mengakses sumberdaya alam, dan kepemilikan lahan telah mengakibatkan ketegangan dan mengakibatkan pening…
It is within this context that the conference was organized in order to bring together rural and indigenous women and their advocates to consider the phenomenon of globalization and to highlight th…
Merupakan kumpulan 5 buku yang terdapat dalam Menuju Anggaran Yang Responsif Gender series: 1. Pengalaman the Asia Foundation(no.isbn: 978-979-16123-6-4),2.Memberdayakan Perempuan Akar Rumput: Meni…
this book is contents : 1.the Asia Foundation Experience in Indonesia,2.Making budget Relevant,3.Democratizing Local Budgeting Processes in bone district,4.Mainstreaming Gender in Local Budget,5.pr…
acknowledgement that men and women are different, that the needs and outlooks of men and women are different, that men tend to have more physical, economic, and social power, and that the basis of …
Yang diterima : tahun 2009 dan 2011
Yang diterima : Nomor 881/IV/IX/2015 Komisi XI dan pemerintah sepakat pertumbuhan ekonomi 5,3 persen, Nomor 895/III/II/2016 Asia games XVIII 2018 harus raih sukses, Revisi UU KPK akan dibawa ke rap…
Berbahasa inggris dan jepang
This report is composed of four sections, which together provide a view of the human rights situation in Asia, including conditions and dynamics that contribute to violations; the violations that o…
This Purple Book contains the proceedings of the Asia-Pacific NGO forum on Beijing +10 held in 2004 at the Mahidol University, Salaya, Nakornpathom, Thailand.