I'm the author of another book about "grant writing" for nonprofits, but still I heartily recommend this book. In fact, Grassroots Grants is the only other book about grant seeking I recommend. Her…
Menyajikan prinsip-prinsip dasar metalurgi fisik dengan cara sesederhana mungkin dan ditunjukan bagaimana penerapan prinsip-prinsip tersebut.
The workshop began with the observation that most research attention focused on women's reproductive health has been centered on family planning and safe motherhood with the additional attention on…
This year's annual World report reviews human rights developments in early seventy countries across the globe, covering the period from November 2000 through November 2001. The twelfth of its kind,…
Indonesia wilayah kepulauan pertama kalinya mengadakan pemilihan umum.
In light of such developments, the present White Paper provides an overview of recent crime trends and the treatment of offenders, mainly in fiscal 1999. It also includes a featured segment entitle…
The councelling approach suggested in this manual evolved from these beginnings. Men stop being violent, women stop being victims of assault, and children learn that violence is not acceptable.
Buku ini memaparkan hasil pelatihan yang dilaksanakan di Makassar dari tanggal 12 sampai dengan 16 Januari 2004 dengan tujuan: (i) meningkatkan pengetahuan dan pemahaman para peserta tentang Hak As…
Stories of human rights education issues and challenge, suggestions for HRE Pack, colloquium papers, and evaluation of the colloquium.
What is documentation aims to help human rights workers understand better the whole subject of documentation. It introduces to the reader many concepts and specialised terminology in this field. It…
Buku ini merupakan terjemahan dari Seri Fact Sheet yang di terbitkan oleh Pusat HAM PBB. Lembar fakta yang berjumlah 26 buah ini merupakan buku rujukan tentang hak asasi manusia. Perlindungan dan p…
Our stories reflect our personal experiences with the police, courts, health professionals and all the other sources of information and help that we needed access to. Sometimes our quests for justi…
Penelitian ini pada dasarnya akan melakukan pemetaan tentang lembaga pemberi layanan bagi perempuan korban kekerasan.
This annual report reflects the breadth of work undertaken by the National Alternative Dispute Resolution Advisory Council in the past year. This breadth reflects the way in which the practices and…
Dalam UU no. 39 tahun 1999 tentang hak asasi manusia mengatakan bahwa: setiap anak berhak untuk memperoleh pendidikan dan pengajaran dalam rangka pengembangan pribadinya sesuai dengan minat, bakat,…
A project report that was designed around a training package developed by Goorie Galbans known as the Aboriginal Women's Family Violence Protection workshop.
This book turns the spotlight on such violence, and poses challenging questions: how best to address troubling issues like selective female foeticide, child neglect and abuse - including sexual abu…
Recommendation Rec (2002)2 Of The Committee Of Ministers And Explanatory Memorandum Considering that the aim of the Council of Europe is to achieve greater unity between its members for the purpo…