The workshop provided a forum for practitioners to share experiences and ideas and formulate new strategies to tackle violence aganist women. It was a landmark in Oxfam's understanding of violence …
Salah satu mandat Komisi Nasional Anti Kekerasan terhadap Perempuan (Komnas Perempuan) adalah meningkatkan kesadaran publik bahwa hak perempuan adalah Hak Asasi Manusia (HAM). Oleh karena itu, keke…
Melakukan advokasi terhadap perempuan korban kekerasan memiliki keunikan dan tantangan tersendiri, karena persoalan kekerasan terhadap perempuan sesungguhnya mengakar pada masalah diskriminasi yang…
We shall likewise look into the structures that comprise our legal system. A simple, yet deep, understanding of the legal system would help us in undertaking our roles as pararegals. Another basic …
The Special Rapporteur on adequate housing, Mr Miloon Kothari, has long valued the contribution of civil society organizations to his work. Civil society organizations have assisted in providing in…
The experiences shared in the Working Group point to a clear conclusion: effective action to end violence against women requires multi-faceted human rights strategies that address the causes and co…
Buku ini berisi uraian mengenai gender, karena masih banyak lingkungan POLRI yang blum memahami benar arti Gender dan menyalah artikannya sebagai upaya perempuan untuk menyamai bahkan menyaingi lak…
Sejak dua tahun lalu berbagai organisasi kemasyarakatan bekerjasama dengan sektor-sektor pemerntahan dengan dukungan beberapa organisasi Internasional telah mengambil inisiatif untuk merencanakan s…
Specialist and mainstream services are critical to helping women rebuild their lives following violence. Time for Action reported on the challenges facing the domestic violence and sexual assault s…
Violence against women is a global issue of pandemic proportions, which has an impact on all societies. It violates the rights and fundamental freedoms of victims. Such violence can have a devastat…
Violence against women cases
Konsep patriarkhi yang di gunakan oleh negara membawa dampak yang sangat besar dalam proses terjadinya kekerasan terhadap perempuan. Patriarkhi akan membagikan peran sosial laki-laki (maskulinitas)…
.This study analyses gender equality policy change initiated by various women’s movements in the context of Indonesia’s democratization. It focuses on advocacy processes for the approval of law…
Pengalaman kerja bersama perempuan korbankekerasan. Dimana perempuan yang mengalami kekerasan ini digambarkan merebut keadilan, karena hampir setiap peristiwa kekerasan yang mereka alami tidak ber…
Some articles and scripts have been adapted for this booklet and appear in five sections, each with a brief introduction. The first section looks at domestic violence and is followed by sections on…
Perubahan paradigma penanganan korban tindak kekerasan dari bantuan sosial menjadi perlindungan sosial yang merupakan amanat dari permensos Nomor 86/HUK?2010 tentang Susunan Organisasi dan Tata ker…
The book is directed primarily to women activists and advocates who are engaged in the daily struggle to overcome violence against women through services programs, education and public awareness ca…
This book is comprehensive in its coverage of the movement's history and growth from the founding of the firstshelters in 1976 today's global consciousness and activism among women. Schechter exami…
The writer provides a wealth of documentation and testimony to prove the existence of some 2,000 centers where as many as 200,000 Korean, Filipina, Taiwanese, Indonesian, Burmerse, Dutch, Australia…