Myanmar Women's Day is observed to honour the entire mass of Myanmar women who safeguard the lineage and cherish culture, it is the day of honour for Myanmar women who were born and brought up in M…
This manual is designed for use of staff of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) who have some experience in running workshops or training courses, and for experienced gender trainers. Its aim is …
one of the Programm'es intentions is to recognize the highly diverse nature of science and the different of expertise that exist within communities. Several of the research in his brochure commen…
Pendidikan masyarakat merupakan suatu proses dimana upaya pendidikan yang diprakarsai pemerintah diwujudkan secara terpadu dengan upaya penduduk setempat untuk meningkatkan kondisi sosial, ekonomi,…
the Routledge Companion to Feminism and postfeminism goes beyond the scopw of simple dictionary in its inclusion of essays alongside lists of definitions of names and term,thus enabling the areas c…
The effective functioning of the Court requires a definitive obligation on States to cooperate fully and without delay. This obligation must not be undercut by either internal law or international …
This first volume is suitable for an introductory feminist legal theory course and introduced the field of feminist legal theory, presented important foundational essays and recent debates within t…
Buku ini mengemukakan pentingnya mengintroduksi suatu dimensi gender ke dalam program reparasi dalam rangka meningkatkan respons mareka terhadap korban-korban yang perempuan dan keluarga-keluarga m…
Criminal law has traditionally been taught and analysed as if the gender of criminals and their victims is irrelevant. It has also been taught and analysed as if criminal law doctrine has no connec…
acknowledgement that men and women are different, that the needs and outlooks of men and women are different, that men tend to have more physical, economic, and social power, and that the basis of …
Gender equality has become a generally accepted refrain and gained secure positioning within international approaches to, and discourse on, development and human rights. However, it took decades of…
Hasil penelitian dari Bank Dunia yang berjudul Engendering Development (2000) merupakan angin segar bagi para pejuang kesetaraan gender. KArena jika sebuah lembaga seperti Bank Dunia mengagendakan …
Rekam perjuanagn dalam catatan ini merupakan satu upaya untuk melawan lupa,merawat ingatan dan terus melipatgandakan energi dan barisan. Pembelajaran dari catatan rekam aktivitas ini menegaskan …
How is the potential for women's empowerment. Do people in general for giving woman organizations/ programs? Are women potential Donor for their own community. Is the assumption that women give onl…
Women--as warriors, workers, mothers, sensual women, even absent women--haunt nineteenth- and twentieth-century Western painting. This book brings together Linda Nochlin's most important and pionee…
Diskursus tentang gender akhir-akhir ini semakin ramai dibicarakan di kalangan masyarakat. Adapun yang dimaksud dengan gender itu sendiri adalah seperangkat sikap, peran, tanggung jawab, fungsi, ha…
This book brings together the themes of gender, sexuality, violence and organizations. The authors synthesize the literature and research which has been done in these fields and provide a coherent …
This is an outstanding collection of essays which brings together for the first time the work of a group of writers well-known in the Marxist-feminist tradition. The essays range from Marx to Fouca…
Membicarakan Perempuan sepertinya tidak cukup dengan hanya melibatkan kecanggihan pola pikir feminisme yang mengobrak-abrik kemapanan asumsi tentang hubungan timpamg antara laki-laki dan perempuan …
Dalam kajian pengantar yang mudah dipahami ini, penulis mengidentifikasi beberapa pendekatan feminis kunci terhadap budaya populer dari tahun 1960-an sampai 1990-an. Penulis juga menunjukkan bagaim…