Representasi Feminitas di dunia industri media ( televisi) telah memperlihatkan adanya stereotype dan stigma tertentu berupa nilai dan ideologi misoginis yang sangat tidak menguntungkan perempuan. …
Inilah buku pertama dan satu satunya membahas ideologi dan kepentingan dibalik industri citra sabun yg bertebaran setiap saat di televisi,terutama LUx dan GIV dengan masing masing bintang iklannya.…
Gerakan Feminisme kontemporer dewasa ini telah terpecah-pecah dalam dataran ideologis,kultural dan keagamaan,yang diterima dengan sikap pro dan kontra,badi perspektif transformasi baru dunia peremp…
Sejarah tentang perang biasanya sejarah tentang kepahlawanan. Dan sejarah kepahlawanan adalah sejarah para pemenang. Kurang lebih demikianlah warna penulisan sejarah maupun pencermatan sejarah. Kec…
As President Bush is preparing to invade Iraq, Wall Street Journalcorrespondent Asra Nomani embarks on a dangerous journey from Middle America to the Middle East to join more than two million fello…
This volume explores the present-day realities of Islamic family law, with particular emphasis on the rights of women. Three contrasting country cases have been selected: Egypt, the most populous A…
The present study of a small town in rural West Bengal, India, reveals a number of "love-marriages" involving individuals from castes of distinctly different ranks in the local caste hierarchy. Des…
The status of women in Islam is one of the crucial topics and dominant themes in the modern era, which theologians have been studying. Islam regards men and women as being of the same essence creat…
Jawaban sederhana yang memperkuat kondisi perempuan pada zaman itu adalaah penilaian tentang patokan-patokan kemanusiaan telah ditarik secara eksklusif melalui pengalaman kaum laki-laki. Lebih para…
Pembentukan peraturan perundang-undangan yang responsif gender dianggap sebagai suatu keniscayaan untuk mewujudkan kesetaraan gender. Idealnya dapat terwujud kesetaraan untuk memperoleh akses, memi…
Despite progress in many aspects of the global HIV response, women - particularly adolescent girls and young women - continue to be disproportionately affected by HIV. Women constitute more than ha…
Proposing a new kind of feminism that is genuinely international, Martha Nussbaum argues for an ethical underpinning to all thought about development planning and public policy, and dramatically mo…
Dari tahun ke tahun,persoalan peremouan Indonesia justru kian bertambah seiring dengan mengentalnya kembali paham-paham fundamentalisme yang berdampak pada ian diuntungkannya perempuan.Alih-alih ,m…
In this remarkable study, David A. J. Richards combines an interpretive history of culture and law, political philosophy, and constitutional analysis to explain the background, development, and gro…
Women's Studies: Essential Readings provides a wide range of readers with an entirely comprehensive selection of ever 140 readings on women's studies, representing the entire diversity of current f…
This is the first book which examines the nature and significance of a feminist critique in anthropology. It offers a clear introduction to, and balanced assessment of, the theoretical and practica…
From Margaret Atwood to Daisy Zamora, Simone de Beauvoir to Virginia Woolf, many of the world's greatest women writers have reflected upon one of humanity's most tragic and powerful experiences: wa…
Di antara berbagai konsepsi islam yang ada,konsepsi tentang perempuan bisa disebut yang paling sering dibicarakan,. berbagai buku dan artikel telah diterbitkan untuk membahasnya. namun, ini pulalah…
Ms Debbie Budlender’s report on the Women's Budget Initiative from 1995-2002 picked up on some of the key issues raised by Ms Govender. In her reportback, Ms Budlender gave a broad overview of t…
Drawing on a wealth of ethnographic fieldwork, this anthology examines the complexities of identity formation and self-positioning in post-colonial contexts, ranging from the impact of Christian mi…