Buku ini mengungkapkan kisah tentang bagaimana kalangan aktivis perempuan Timor Leste menggerakkan perlawanan menentang masyarakat patriarkhis dan menuntut hak-hak mereka untuk berpartisipasi dalam…
Buku ini mengemukakan bahwa pada kenyataannya wacana terkait kesetaraan gender masih sering menjadi polemik di lingkungan pesantren. Hal ini masih dikarenakan anggapan bahwa gender merupakan produk…
kebijakan otonomi daerah mungkin bisa memberikan rasa adil bagi sebagian masyarakat. Tetapi apakah kebijakan otonomi daerah sudah memberikan keadilan bagi perempuan dan laki-laki secara setara? Hal…
Kesenjangan antara kuasa formal dan nonformal inilah yang dibahas dalam 'Kuasa Wanita Jawa'. Mengacu pada sejumlah tokoh-tokoh dalam karya sastra seperti Nyai Ontosoroh dan Ken Dedes, berikut berba…
kumpulan tulisan karya-karya pemikiran teologi dan berteologi feminis ; digambarkan dalam buku ini mengenai perspektif feminis sebagai gaya hidup yang menolak semua bentuk ketimpangan(relasi dan ku…
Revolutionizing Motherhood examines one of the most astonishing human rights movements of recent years. During the Argentine junta's Dirty War against subversives, as tens of thousands were abducte…
Gender equality is protected by our national constitution. It is one of the most important tenets of democracy that are enshrined in our constitution. Those tenets are important for us to implement…
Identifikasi secara sistematis tentang isu-isu gender yang disebabkan karena adanya pembedaan peran serta hubungan sosial antara perempuan dan laki-laki. Analisis gender perlu dilakukan, karena pem…
The author presents her experiences as an Islamic woman and her chosen direction to study women's issues from a nonpatriarchal, theological perspective. A major issue at the Cairo conference was wh…
Women are underrepresented in local government in the Asia and Pacific region. Statistics show the percentage of women in local government seats range from a high of 33 percent to a low of 2 percen…
South Africa’s Women’s Budget Initiative (WBI) is a pilot project spearheaded by the Commonwealth Secretariat in its endeavor to promote gender issues in the macroeconomic policies of its membe…
Feminist analysis of the macroeconomic dimensions of public finance(for instance, Elson and Cagatay 2000) suggests that neither the neo-liberal, nor the Keynesian, approach is wholly adequate from …
Most analyses of government budgets and their differential impacts on women and men tend to focus on the expenditure side of the budget, with very little attention being given to the revenue side. …
This Paper explores the experiences and views of government heakth officials in managing the rapid policy change and ongoing restructuring since 1994. It considers the impact of policies and restru…
Sebagai upaya transformasi dan konstruksi sosial, perjuangan jender mutlak harus memperhatikan lokalitas. Buku ini berupaya menggali kearifan lokal pada tradisi tiga etnis di NTB, yaitu Mbojo, Suku…
This publication comprehensively examines and analyses gender equality laws from around the world, providing a range of CEDAW-informed good practice examples. It addresses the need for clear recomm…
The content, rationale and methodology of this book, far from advancing a final answer, necessarily offer a selective window into the field of gender/sexuality theory. It is intended to be a window…
In this landmark addition to scholarship, Nancy F. Cott, author of The Bonds of Womanhood, offers a new interpretation of American feminism during the early decades of this century—a period tradi…
Keadilan dan keamanan berkaitan sangat erat. Sektor peradilan yang kuat melindungi dan menegakkan hak-hak rakyat dan menjerakan bakal pelanggar hukum. Sektor peradilan yang mandiri dan efektif sang…
Kasus lingkungan dan SDA di pesisir, laut, hutan, perkebunan, pertambangan, infrastruktur, masalah air dan pangan, telah mencerabut identitas dan keterikatan perempuan atas sumber daya alam dan lin…