The physical and psychological consequences of sexualised violence are closely related. However, the two aspects will be dealt with separately here, as classical distinctions drawn between the inst…
The editors foreground here cross-cultural ethnographic and historical research by anthropologists, although our contributors also represent sociology, political science, economics, philosophy, bio…
Perubahan paradigma penanganan korban tindak kekerasan dari bantuan sosial menjadi perlindungan sosial yang merupakan amanat dari permensos Nomor 86/HUK?2010 tentang Susunan Organisasi dan Tata ker…
The book is directed primarily to women activists and advocates who are engaged in the daily struggle to overcome violence against women through services programs, education and public awareness ca…
Realitas kasus kasus kekerasan dalam rumah tangga di Indonesia cenderung meningkat dari tahun ke tahun. Keberadaan UU PKDRT secara tidak langsung merubah pandangan masyarakat tentang kekerasan dala…
This book is comprehensive in its coverage of the movement's history and growth from the founding of the firstshelters in 1976 today's global consciousness and activism among women. Schechter exami…
The writer provides a wealth of documentation and testimony to prove the existence of some 2,000 centers where as many as 200,000 Korean, Filipina, Taiwanese, Indonesian, Burmerse, Dutch, Australia…
Profil perempuan di Guyana, Amerika Selatan
One central issue that raised considerable debate and contention related to the boundaries of macro economics and how gender analysis could be introduced therein. On 26-28 November 1996, UNRISD and…
Tibetan women's association presents this report to the United Nations and to the International women's community. In this report the present and examine the critical issues concerning the situat…
This Country Gender Profile of South Africa was commissioned by the Swedish International Development Co-operation Agency (Sida), Pretoria. It is one of a range of initiatives on the part of Sida t…
There are more than 140 million illiterate young people in the world; more than half (86 million) are women. This is one example of why 189 nations adopted women's empowerment and gender equality a…
Pemilu 1999 yang demokratis justru mengurangi jumlah perempuan di parlemen. Organisasi-organisasi perempuan pun memperjuangkan penerapan kebijakan afirmasi dalam bentuk kuota 30% keterwakilan perem…
KATA PENGANTAR Partisipasi Perempuan dalam Musrenbang merupakan isu yang sudah diwacanakan oleh teman-teman di gerakan perempuan sejak beberapa tahun lalu. Tujuannya tdak lain dan tidak bukan yakni…
This chapter aims to provide a critical account of the campaign, it actors that contributed to its success. It draws on the author's personal experience as the co-founder of the Women's Working Gro…
This UNIFEM publication, that presents a gender-responsive rights-based approach to MDG implementation, is a useful and relevant resource with strong East, Southeast, South Asian, and national reso…
This book lays out an innovative framework for understanding issues of women’s empowerment. This is the framework conceptualized and used by the Research Programme Consortium on Women’s Empower…
This book attempts to contribute to the Asian review process of the implementation of the Beijing Platform for Action. Each of the country studies explains the socio-political, economic and cultura…
This book is a exploration of both the discrimination that African women experience and their strategies for coping with it. Contributors present case studies of ten African states, demonstrating t…