Tahun 2015 dan 2016 ditandai dengan memburuknya kondisi ini secara signifikan situasi hak asasi manusia di Papua Barat dibandingkan tahun-tahun sebelumnya. Laporan oleh pembela hak asasi manusia se…
Yang diterima : Jilid 1 tata negara, perdata, dagang, pidana Jilid 2, Imigrasi/ kependudukan, agraria, perhubungan, perburuhan, perpajakan, administrasi Jilid 3 pedoman, topik, indeks.
Yang diterima: Jil. 4,5,6,1,2,3
With a sharp increase in multicultural families centered on international marriage couple in korean society in the mid-2000s, policies for them have rapidly grow accordingly.
As a fourth largest population in the world, indonesia has considered population as a key issue is sustainable development and therefore has committed to implement the ICPD PoA consistently with th…
Redaksi majalah advokasi hukum dan operasi hadir dengan memberikan pengetahuan tentang hukum HAM dan hukum humaniter dengan harapan dapat menambah wawasan prajurit TNI.
Keadilan Untuk Anak Perlindungan Terhadap Anak Yang berhadapan Dengan Hukum Kompilasi Instrumen Internasional
Majalah Parlementaria DPR RI Masa akhir periode jabatan DPR RI
Tema ini diusung sebagai refleksi terhadap kebijakan kebijakan yang disusun dan diimplementasikan dalam kurun waktu terakhir. tema ini juga berupaya menegaskan kembali komitmen ditjen badilag dalam…
Agama yang benar adalah anti kekerasan. agama anti kekerasan berarti agama yang terarah pada cinta damai. sebab dari kodratnya, manusia pasti rindu akan kedamaian. namun persoalan mengapa di maluku…
Proses penjualan perusahaan milik negara (BUMN) kepada swasta mendatangkan perasaan-perasaan emosional. mereka yang mendukung privatisasi cenderung mempertimbangkannya sebagai salah satu peristiwa …
Ketika angka kesehatan di Indonesia masih jauh dari target MDG’S (sekarang diganti de-ngan Sustainable Development Goals/ SDG’s) pemerintah bertanya-tanya mengenai penyebabnya. Ternyata, masala…
Recent policies related to the safety of women have been mainly ex post facto remedies focused on the punishment of the attacker. however, in order to reduce violence against women, it is necessary…
Women frequently become subject via the internet to abuse of their human rights, such as through defamation and sexual harassment. the result of such victimization can be particularly detrimental g…
Gender equality issue has been emphasized in discussion on development cooperation in the international community, including the organization for economic for economic cooperation and development a…
Five years have passed since the enactment and the enforcement of the act on the registration, etc. of family relationship. the act prescribes matters concerning the registration of the establishme…
The utilization of female workforce is being stressed more than ever under the new government's major government project of nurturing 100,000 women talents and achieving an employment rate of 70%.
Among working mother withs infants, 68,7% use a daycare service and 53.0% rely on family members for babysitting. fifty nine point one percent use types of childcare and 29,9% Use three. the propor…
In the past, single-person households were concentrated in the older generation, among the ederly who were bereaved of their spouses. recently, however, as single-person households tend to spread o…
From an economic standpoint, cooperative contribute to the stability of employment as cooperatives run under an operating system in which union members are considered as both employers and workers.