Women migrant workers account for more than half of the 50 million migrant workers in Asia alone. And domestic labour account for nearly one third of all female employment in Asia Pacific. Since do…
While there is a burgeoning demand for female migrants, particularly in the domestic help and care sectors in the Gulf states and South East Asian countries, onus lies on both the sending and recei…
Millions of women and girls around the world turn to domestic work as one of the few options available to them in order to provide for themselves and their families.1 Instead of guaranteeing their …
• In 2011, almost 670 000 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people were living in Australia;1 around three per cent of the Australian population. By 2031, it is estimated that this number wil…
Migrant domestic workers (also known as foreign home care workers, foreign domestic workers,foreign domestic helpers, transnational domestic workers, foreign domestic employees, overseas domestic w…
UNIFEM - 2009. "This study examines the gender-differentiated patterns in the earning, saving and remitting practices of Indonesian domestic migrant workers, as well as in receiving and using remit…
The main criticism of the creation of special trade zones is that it gives business, usually foreign corporations, more economic liberty than ordinary citizens. A free trade zone or export processi…
Migrant workers make vital contributions to the societies and economies of all the ASEAN countries. For some ASEAN countries, in particular those that are the most economically advanced, migrant wo…
Gambaran tentang kerangka perlindungan TKI yang lebih konkrit: 1. Pembenahan manajemen migrasi tenaga kerja di dalam negeri. 2. Langkah-langkah terobosan dalam hal layanan perlindungan yang melib…
Memperhatikan bagaimana refleksi Arie Sujito atas Indonesia, sketsanya ada tiga pihak yang saling berhubungan yaitu negara, rakyat, dan satu lagi adalah perantara. Banyak sebutan yang ditujukan un…
When the women come to recruitment agencies to work as domestic helpers overseas, they begin building the foundation of their dreams of a better future. During their training following the recruitm…
Krisis moneter yang mulai melanda negeri sejak pertengahan Agustus 1997, segera mengakibatkan krisis-krisis sosialpolitik lain yang terus meminta korban. Salah satu yang sangat memprihatinkan adala…
Sebagian alasan lemahnya pengaruh serikat buruh di Indonesia adalah karena kurang efektifnya organisasi puncak (konfederasi) melaksanakan tugasnya sebagai organisasi payung, yang pada gilirannya se…
Globally, policies regulating cross border movements have changed extensively. During last few decades, the global labor market maneuvering due to internal and external economic shocks, political r…
No Sweat includes the voices of workers, activists, labor lawyers, trade unionists, industry executives, journalist, and academics. One of the aims of the conference was the show how matters of sty…
Kemiskinan seakan telah menjadi kata yang akrab kita dengar selama ini. Bahkan dengan mudah dapat kita katakan bahwa kemiskinan telah menjadi suatu realitas yang ada dimana-mana. Di Indonesia, kemi…
Perjalanan migrasi bukan hanya perosalan tarikan remitansi yang begitu kuat tetapi juga merupakan konstruksi sosial yang terbangun diantara perempuan dengan berbagai pihak yang terkait dalam bisnis…
K3 adalah Kesehatan dan keselamatan kerja yang bila dikombinasikan dengan isu lingkungan maka dihasilkan K3L, yang saat ini menjadi kecenderungan yang berkembnag di dunia usaha. Keduanya menghasilk…