berisi langkah-langkah advokasi yang telah dilakukan untuk memberikan pembelajaran penting, tidak saja bagi para aktivis anggaran, tapi juga bagi yang ingin mendapatkan pengetahuan tentang bagaiman…
Pengalaman advokasi anggaran di Kota Palu menunjukkan adanya beberapa kekuatan yang membuat langkah-langkah yang dilakukan mampu menghasilkan perubahan yang cukup signifikan. Tidak saja Kota ini me…
Catatan ini ditulis sebagai pelengkap dari buku yang sudah dituliskan oleh para aktivis Lembaga Pengkajian Pengembangan dan Masyarakat (LP2EM) tentang pengalaman melakukan advokasi anggaran respons…
Uraian dalam buku ini menggambarkan dinamika di balik keberhasilan advokasi anggaran yang pro-rakyat miskin dan responsif gender yang ditemui di Kabupaten Bone. Salah satu yang bisa diangkat melalu…
This book is the introduction to four compilations of experiences in developing and implementing gender responsive budgets in several localities that have been the targets of Asia Foundation progra…
The advocacy activities that have been undertaken by Yasmin in Polman District provide several important lessons, not only for budget activists but indeed for anyone who wants to know how processes…
The description below portrays the dynamics behind the success of the advocacy for pro-poor and gender-responsive budgeting in Bone District, to complement the other interesting points put forward …
The experience of budget advocacy in the Palu Municipality several strengths that have enabled the steps that were taken to produce quite significant changes. The city has not only become a referen…
These notes are intended to complement this book written by activists from the Community and Economic Study Foundation (Lembaga Pengkajian Pengembangan Ekonomi dan Masyarakat, LP2EM) on their exper…
Memuat berbagai topik permasalahan yang beruapya memikirkan kembali menganai dasar-dasar dan pemahaman Buddhardharma sehubungan dengan kesetaraan gender; kedudukan dan posisi perempuan dalam Buddad…
Gerakan Feminisme kontemporer dewasa ini telah terpecah-pecah dalam dataran ideologis,kultural dan keagamaan,yang diterima dengan sikap pro dan kontra,badi perspektif transformasi baru dunia peremp…
The status of women in Islam is one of the crucial topics and dominant themes in the modern era, which theologians have been studying. Islam regards men and women as being of the same essence creat…
Pembentukan peraturan perundang-undangan yang responsif gender dianggap sebagai suatu keniscayaan untuk mewujudkan kesetaraan gender. Idealnya dapat terwujud kesetaraan untuk memperoleh akses, memi…
Despite progress in many aspects of the global HIV response, women - particularly adolescent girls and young women - continue to be disproportionately affected by HIV. Women constitute more than ha…
Ms Debbie Budlender’s report on the Women's Budget Initiative from 1995-2002 picked up on some of the key issues raised by Ms Govender. In her reportback, Ms Budlender gave a broad overview of t…
Drawing on a wealth of ethnographic fieldwork, this anthology examines the complexities of identity formation and self-positioning in post-colonial contexts, ranging from the impact of Christian mi…
The 1948 United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights expresses the credo that all human beings are created free and equal. But not until 1995 did the United Nations declare that women’s …
This booklet seeks to provide answer to these questions.Prepared as a companion to the Sida publication Striking a balance it is concerned with how development cooperation can promote gender equali…
Critical feminist reviews of gender mainstreaming suggest a widespread disillusionment with gender and development. The literature has been dominated, however, by accounts of gender mainstreaming i…
Penghapusan diskriminasi terhadap perempuan sedang diupayakan, tidak jarang dengan hasil yang memprihatinkan. Seberapa jauh Disiplin Hukum mencerminkan kesetaraan dan keadilan gender dengan tolak u…