The purpose of this study is to highlight the issues of indigenous peoples and ethnic minorities in Pakistan from a legal perspective. To this end, it is proposed to compile and analysis the legisl…
Grief and loss are the predominant themes of this report. Tenacity and survival are also acknowledged. It is no ordinary report. Much of its subject matter is so personal and intimate that ordinari…
The clip art in this series represent line drawings of women from different countries engaged in a variety of activities related to their daily work. This artwork can be used to illustrate newslett…
Prinsip-prinsip ini, yang dilandaskan pada hukum kemanusiaan internasional yang berlaku serta instrumen-instrumen hak-hak asasi manusia, dimaksudkan agar berlaku sebagai standar internasional yang …
This booklet, based on an issue of the Journal of Humanistics, is dedicated to the theme of global civil society, world citizenship, and education. It's a joint initiative of Hivos and the Universi…