The absence of regular monitoring and reporting by Member States continues to be one of the key challenges in the implementation of the UN Security Council Resolution (UNSCR) 1325 on Women, Peace a…
It analyses a series of innovative experiences in Southeast Asia and Canada, which succeeded through the joint effort of government and civil society. The focus is on lessons learned that can help …
buku ini membahas tentang pelanggaran berat HAM muncul untuk menggambarkan dahsyatnya akibat yang timbul dari perbuatan pidana tersebut terhadap raga,jiwa,martabat,peradaban,dan sumber daya kehidup…
Effective governance policies empower individuals to live in dignity and freedom. Good governance and human rights are mutually reinforcing and based on core principles of participation, accountabi…
Dalam konteks Hak Asasi Manusia (selanjutnya disingkat HAM), negara menjadi subjek hukum utama, karena negara merupakan entitas utama yang bertanggung jawab melindungi, menegakkan, dan memajukan ha…
Pemerintahan Provinsi DKI Jakarta melalui Peraturan daerah nomor I Tahun 2008 telah menetapkan RPJMD DKI Jakarta 2007-2012. salah satu diantara isu utamnya adalah yang berkaitan dengan upaya pengu…
buku ini memuat hasil riset tentang dinamika masyarakat sipil meretas jalan perdamaian di Indonesia,Timor timur,Filipina serta Papau New Guinea.Penerbitan buku ini bertujuan memfasilitasi pertukara…
Describes the key gains the New Civil and Penal Codes have brought to women's lives and provides information on the laws and regulations shaping women's lives in Turkey. The issues covered range fr…
This paper broadly evaluates the role and performance of non-governmental development organizations (NGDOs) in promoting social development before and since the 1995 World Summit for Social Develop…