Buku ini menggugah pemikiran dan wacana baru di dalam hukum pidana umumnya, KUHP khususnya. akan pentingnya pengaturan kembali rumusan tindak pidana kekerasan terhadap perempuan. Melalui penelitian…
Women’s rights are the fundamental human rights that were enshrined by the United Nations for every human being on the planet nearly 70 years ago. These rights include the right to live free from…
Zaman mulai berubah, namun kekerasan, diskriminasi, dan ketidakadilan terhadap perempuan masih sering kita dengar, lihat dan saksikan. Adanya berbagai regulasi, di level internasional sampai nasion…
This digest is a collection of judicial verdicts on women’s rights claims from the Asia Pacific. It illustrates the contentious issues, complex barriers, and the commonalities in women’s rights…
There is an indivisible connection between the many overlapping aspects of women's identities - race, ethnicity, class, national origin, ability, sexual orientation, etc. - the kinds of oppressions…
Hak Asasi Manusia Untuk Semua Di atas Semuanya, khususnya bagi perempuan dan anak perempuan yang rentan, terpinggirkan, kurang beruntung; • Memastikan adanya Pertanggungjawaban/ Akuntabilitas Neg…
Attaining equality between women and men and eliminating all forms of discrimination against women are fundamental human rights and United Nations values. Women around the world nevertheless regula…
Dibanyak kawasan dunia islam, kurangnya pengetahuan kaum perempuan mengenai ketentuan hukum, adat dan praktek-praktek yang berlaku dalam komunitas, melumpuhkan kemampuan meraka untuk mengubah kondi…
Generally, sharia refers to variable, but identifiable and generally agreed principles of laws and ethics accepted by Muslims as authoritative statements about Allah’s will for human societies. I…
Rights are recognized as such because they are considered to be ‘correct’ or ‘just.’ In the English language the two meanings of right relate: you have a ‘right’ to something because it…
There are around 138,000 women in jails and prisons in the USA, more than three times the number of women who were incarcerated in 1985.(4) Much of the increase is due to the so-called "war on drug…
Dengan Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia No. 7 Tahun 1984 tentang Pengesahan Konvensi Mengenai Penghapusan Segala Bentuk Diskriminasi Terhadap Wanita, Indonesia, berdasarkan hukum, mengikat diri pad…