The report presented here is designed to assist NHRIs to measure their own effectiveness. It was prepared through a participatory process involving members of NHRIs and establishes measurement benc…
Judul asli=Data analysis for monitoring human rights. American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) dan Human Rights Information and Documentation Systems, International (HURIDOCS) me…
Dalam buku kedua ini, berisi tentang mengungkap dan membahas kasus-kasus korupsi diantaranya manipulasi dana proyek, manipulasi tanah negara, pungutan liar dan lain-lain serta dilengkapi dengan pem…
Asian perspective on human rights: perceptions, programmes and practices -- National plans for the promotion and protection of human rights and the strengthening of national human rights capacities…
The 4th Informal ASEM Seminar on Human Rights in Bali, Indonesia from 12th-13th July, 2001 was sponsored by France, the Raoul Wallenberg Institute (Sweden) and the Asia-Europe Foundation with the s…
Pembela HAM memang menjadi sasaran serangan karena aktivitasnya yang mempejuangkan, mempromosikan dan membela hak-hak asasi manusia. Oleh karena itu perlindungan terhadap Pembela HAM sangat mutlak …
Buku ini membahas hasil Penelitian yang berangkat dari kesaksian sepuluh pembela HAM berbasis korban. Hal yang patut diapresiasi dari bentuk kesaksian mereka bukan karena narasi penderitaan yang me…
Meskipun skala pengaturan perlindungan saksi yang dibutuhkan setelah Laporan MacPherson dipublikasikan termasuk di luar kebiasaan yang ada (biaya yang dibutuhkan dalam usaha perelokasian ini diperk…
Setelah lebih dari satu dekade pelatihan, penelitian dan pertemuan-pertemuan dengan para pembela HAM dan pihak lain yang terlibat dalam perlindungan para pembela HAM, kami di Perlindungan Internati…
Cambodia is considered to be a post-conflict society where the roots of many contemporary problems lie in the country’s tumultuous history. Juxtaposed between Thailand and Vietnam, Cambodia has l…
The Human Rights Resource Centre and its foundation were officially registered by the Ministry of Law and Human Rights on 31 March 2010 (Keputusan Menteri Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia Republik Indon…
Torture, "disappearances," and extrajudicial executions remain widespread in Mexico, despitenumerous legal and institutional reforms adduced by successive Mexican governments asevidence of their co…
Buku yang berbentuk laporan HAM ini, disusun dan ditulis berdasarkan hasil investigasi dan pemantauan yang dilakukan oleh Solidaritas Perempuan, KontraS, dan beragam organisasi masyarakat sipil, se…
This report is the result of a collective effort that numerous members of the organization and associated organizations have helped to document, and was enriched by the discussions held by the Boar…
Fundamentalisms in this paper refers to monolithic approaches adopted by movements intheir quest for hegemony and political power, particularly through deployment of cultural,religious, ethnic and …
• The Union shall constitute an area of freedom, security and justice with respect for fundamental rights and the different legal systems and traditions of the Member States. • It shall ensure…
Sixty-six years after the founding of the United Nations, human rights looks like an insular world unto itself: A system with its own standards, institutions and mechanisms, a world of experts stil…
Buku ini menyajikan hasil studi wilayah mengenai kebebasan berserikat, berkumpul dan menyatakan pendapat, khususnya di wilayah Asia, Meskipun studi ini hanya menjangkau 5 Negara di Asia seperti Chi…
How do international human rights and humanitarian law project vulnerable individuals in times of peace and war? Analysis systemic similarities and differences in the construction of each body of l…
Laporan Goldstone Pada Tragedi Jalur Gaza 2008/2009, Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa membentuk tim pencari fakta yang dipimpin mantan hakim konstitusi Afrika Selatan, Richard Goldstone. Tim itu berangg…