Menegaskan kembalimakna penting dari ketaatan terhadap tujuan dan prinsip Piagam Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa dalam rangka kemajuan dan perlindungan semua hak asasi manusia dan kebebasan dasar bagi s…
The Asian Forum for Human Rights and Development (FORUM-ASIA), as the secretariat of the Asian NGOs Network on National Human Rights Institutions (ANNI), humbly presents the publication of the 2011…
Claiming Our Rights is a manual for women's human rights education in Muslim Societies that reconceives rights as relevant in religious, cultural and public spheres and encourages women to reclaim …
The flexible set-up under the contract provided the European Commission with expert teams to carry out, whenever needed, thematic evaluations of projects and programmes funded in the context of the…
Setelah terjadinya berbagai kejahatan kemanusiaan yang dilakukan oleh Nazi Jerman setelah Perang Dunia II, terdapat sebuah konsensus umum dalam komunitas dunia bahwa Piagam PBB tidak secara penuh m…
BUKU ini disusun berdasarkan hasil laporan lokakarya yang diikuti berbagai wakil organisasi hak asasi manusia dari Bangladesh, India, Jepang, Pakistan, Filipina, Sri Lanka dan Thailand serta wakil …
The state of human rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran has been criticized both by Iranians and international human right activists, writers, and NGOs. The United Nations General Assembly and th…
Since 1995, WHO with its partners has consistently encouraged governments to improve the effectiveness of national machinery for the advancement of women, and have advocated at the highest politica…
The Public Prosecution Service (PPS) of Indonesia consists of the Attorney General’s Office (AGO), the high public prosecution offices (HPPOs), and the district public prosecution offices (DPPOs)…
This course aims to provide a comprehensive and analytical account of the application of human rights standards in international law, and the operation of the existing international machinery for t…
Indonesia, the 3rd largest democratic country in the world, with 230 million populations that makes it the 4th largest population, signed the International Convention against Torture and Other Crue…
This comprehensive training manual includes the whole spectrum of women's human rights in an "interactive" format by combining the development of rights awareness with issue-oriented activities tha…
ARRC held the first part of its annual training of trainers for Southeast Asia in Bangkok from October 23rd to October 27th 2001 with the support of DANIDA. The main objective of the activity is fo…
Pendidikan untuk membangun kesadaran pentingnya pemajuan dan perlindungan hak asasi manusia (HAM) adalah upaya yang sangat strategis. Untuk itu, upaya tersebut harus di dukung oleh komitmen semua p…
On December 7, 2006, the Constitutional Court finally gave its decision on two petitions for a judicial review of Act No. 27/2004 on the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (from hereon referred to…
War, Conflict and Human Rights is an innovative inter-disciplinary textbook, combining aspects of law, politics and conflict analysis to examine the relationship between human rights and armed conf…
Panduan bagi para aktifis hak asasi dalam menyiapkan dan memperbaiki sistem pendokumentasian di lembaga-lembaga HAM
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan saran dan masukan kepada pemerintah, organisasi lain yang berkaitan maupun masyarakat itu sendiri mengenai permasalahan pengungsi internal di Indonesia ser…
Buku ini menggugah pemikiran dan wacana baru di dalam hukum pidana umumnya, KUHP khususnya. akan pentingnya pengaturan kembali rumusan tindak pidana kekerasan terhadap perempuan. Melalui penelitian…