The prostituting of children is a humanitarian problem that deserves world attention because of its impact on a child’s development. All prostituted children are subjected to humiliation, exploit…
Sebagian besar pemuka agama Kristiani di kota Kupang memahami pengertian, dampak, cara penularan, serta upaya pencegahan dan penanggulangan HIV/AIDS. Secara umum, mereka menolak praktik pelacuran, …
Apa itu Pornografi? Apa Efeknya dan siapa yang paling mudah terpengaruh? Akan efektifkah Undang-Undang Anti Pornografi Pornoaksi yang sedang di rancang?
Kekerasan seksual terjadi pada semua lapisan masyarakat, tidak saja terhadap perempuan tetapi laki-laki juga mengalaminya. Akan tetapi kecenderungan terjadinya kekerasan seksual terhadap perempuan …
The guide provides information about each step of the criminal process, from the option of reporting a sexual assault to the police, through sentencing, to appeals of a trial verdict. In sexual ass…
This booklet has been written to help you understand your rights and legal options following a sexual assault. Sexual assault, the law, your rights is for anyone wants to know more about the legal …
Perkosaan sering terjadi disekitar kita. Perkosaan bisa terjadi pada setiap perempuan. Bagaimana menolong korban? Buku kecil ini memberi petunjuk mengenai langkah-langkah praktis yang harus dilakuk…
Belum banyaknya kebijakan yang memberikan perlindungan bagi perempuan korban kekerasan serta belum adanya keberpihakan institusi hukum dalam penanganan masalah kekerasan terhadap perempuan justru m…
Perdebatan masalah seksualitas, erotika, dan porno menjadi wacana yang sangat menarik-narik akhir-akhir ini, terlebih lagi setelah merebaknya tayangan diberbagai media elektronik yang mengupas soal…
disscussion regarding legal transformation of women's status in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) and the Muslim world has concerned family law, commonly referred to in the region as personal…
Meskipun sukses besar menjelaskan ketidakadilan sosial berbasis gender, feminisme gagal memberikan penjelasan atas ketidakadilan yang terjadi karena orientasi seksual.Heteronomativitas ideologi yan…
Control and Sexuality by Ziba Mir-Hosseini and Vanja Hamzić examines zina laws in some Muslim contexts and communities in order to explore connections between the criminalisation of sexuality, gen…
Perkembangan ekspresi perilaku seksual yang gila-gilaan, dalam hal ini selain karena pengaruh pornografi yang membentuk fantasi seks seseorang juga jelas karena perkembangan kondisi zaman dengan se…
Maraknya pornografi di internet, koran, majalah bahkan televisi membuat masyarakat mendesak para wakil rakyat agar segera meloloskan Undang-Undang Pornografi. Bila dibiarkan bebas dan liar, pornogr…
This publication features the work being done in eight countries: Brazil, Cambodia, China, India, Ireland, Russia, South Africa, and the United States. Similar efforts to eradicate domestic violenc…
In 1998, the author, a feminist lawyer, carried out a research project on behalf of Oxfam GB, studying Bosnia and Hercegovina, Croatia, the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, and Albania. Maguire disc…
These stories and educational materials only focus on men's violence against women. This is not because we naively believe that this is the only form of intimate violence. There is abuse/violence i…
The present training curriculum is designed to help develop within local and national police the knowledge and skills required to respond in an effective and appropriate manner to violence against …
This is a handbook of basic principles and guidelines for working with women in crisis following rape. While it's focus is on women who have survived rape, it is also relevant for work with other g…
The Commercial sexual exploitationof children asumes many form and has many face. Children are enslaved by a chain of actors, all of whom profit in someway. The chain can be long, linking a child …