The present training curriculum is designed to help develop within local and national police the knowledge and skills required to respond in an effective and appropriate manner to violence against …
This is a handbook of basic principles and guidelines for working with women in crisis following rape. While it's focus is on women who have survived rape, it is also relevant for work with other g…
The Commercial sexual exploitationof children asumes many form and has many face. Children are enslaved by a chain of actors, all of whom profit in someway. The chain can be long, linking a child …
The study recognises that sexual harassment is still a contentious issue and that people have different perceptions of the issue. Existing literature has also shown that there are differing percept…
The aim of rape avoidance education is to enable women to draw on the strengths they already have, and suggest some ways that they can develop more strengths. We should not encourage women to rely …
yang sedemikian lemah, menempatkan mereka dalam situasi yang sangat rentan, baik secara fidikdaj , psikis, Finansial dan sosial. Kerentanan tersebut pun berdampak terhadap status HIV bagi beberapa …
Rape is an inherently violent crime that typically results in physical, social, emotional, and psychological harm. It remains a prevalent social problem in the Philippines, and throughout the world…
The first section deals briefly with the methodology that was utilised; the second profiles the respondent; the third outlines the result obtained; and finally, the conclusion. What constitutes a d…
Pelecehan seksual merupakan peristiwa yang mewarnai kehidupan manusia dan terjadi dimana-mana. Kadang korban dari pelecehan ini seringkali tutup mulut, padahal dampak dari masalah ini sangat serius…
Buku ini tidak hanya memberikan suatu gambaran menganai latar belakang sosial perempuan yang bekerja sebagai penghibur seks, namun melihat sejauh mana perilaku seksual mereka yang beresiko tinggi y…
The Care of the Self is the third and possibly final volume of Michel Foucault's widely acclaimed examination of " the experience of sexuality in Western society." Foucault takes us into the first …
The History of Sexuality (French: L'Histoire de la sexualité) is a four-volume study of sexuality in the western world by the French historian and philosopher Michel Foucault, in which the author …
In its resolution 65/230, the General Assembly requested the Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice to establish, in line with paragraph 42 of the Salvador Declaration on Comprehensive…
Buku ini memperbincangkan seks dari sudut pandang agama-agama, tidak dalam pengertisn persaingan, tetapi penelaahan terhadap tradisi-tradisi agama yang berbeda.Buku ini memperbincangkan seks dari s…
Compiled by Sonia Correa, former Research Co-ordinator for Sexual and Reproductive Rights, this books presents a collection of case studies and documents that bring to a close DAWN’s efforts in t…
This examines the hypothesis that it is a feature of the mother's personality-how dominant she is-that influences which sex will be conceived. The writer examines evidence about maternal personalit…
SEKS DAN KEKUASAAN maupun pendidikan. Perlu dicatat bahwa di Prancis, filsafat diajarkan di kelas terakhir, baik di sekolah menengah umum maupun di sekolah menengah kejuruan. Berikut ini akan dijel…
This is a ground breaking collection written by survivors, activists, and service providers on the global sexual exploitation of women and girls. The forty-four pieces from Asia, Europe, South Amer…