Accompanying the dramatic decline in Indonesia’s economic fortunes in the late 1990s was an appropriate concern for the social impact of the crisis - its effect on poverty, health, fertility, chi…
Buku ini berupaya menelusuri persoalan struktural yang dihadapi usaha kecil. Melalui penelusuran terhadap relasi yang terbangun antara usaha kecil dengan pelaku lainnya dalam rantai hulu hilir, ter…
Jarang orang yang mengaitkan aspek ekonomi mikro dengan ekonomi mikro. Tidak ada salahnya bila kaitan ekonomi mikro dan ekonomi makro dibuat dalam suatu formasi pemikira.
United States handbook about economic legal & political systems.
Buku ini menelaah dampak ekonomis dan pelaksanaan Kesepakatan Perdagangan Bebas ASEAN-China (ACFTA), yang fase pelaksanaan awalnya, atau dikenal dengan sebutan Program Panen Awal (EHP - Early Harve…
This book was designed and developed explicitly for a first course in business or corporate finance, for both finance majors and non-majors alike.
The Third Edition of this highly successful computerized audit case, Peach Blossom Cologne Company, incorporates both the Systems and Cycles Approach to Auditing. Students will learn to design and …
Introduces the student to the principles of computer programming logic. This text, like the courses it's designed for, is not based on any programming language. Flowcharting is a dying art in th…
Human rights are a legal statement of what human beings require to live fully human lives. Collectively they are a comprehensive, holistic statement. All human rights-civil, cultural, economic, pol…
Buku ini menguraikan tentang berbagai tantangan yg dihadapi kaum perempuan. Didalamnya juga dibahas tentang kesehatan reproduksi, kekerasan terhadap perempuan dan pendidikan perempuan.
Mengelola restrukturisasi ekonomi sambil melakukan konsolidasi demokrasi dalam masa transisi merupakan tantangan terberat yang dihadapi oleh para pemimpin politik. Pemimpin negara-negara demokrasi …
Pada edisi ini berisi artikel di antaranya kebijakan ekonomi dan pemajuan hak-hak ekonomi, sosial dan budaya; membela hak-hak asasi ekonomi dan sosial; danmendapatkan kembali hak-hak ekonomi, sosia…
The women's budget series is not about a separate budget for women. Rather it is an examination of the gendered impact of all parts of the government's annual budget on the citizens of the country.…
Latest findings in this book should sound a global alarm. They are a call for action by governments, the United Nations and other international institutions, NGOs, the private sector and people eve…
Article The Effect of Population Growth on Economic Growth: A Meta-Regression Analysis of the Macroeconomic Literature Many Studies have sought to gauge the impact of population growth on economic…