The Women's Budget Series: 2000 Issue The Women's Budget Series(2000 Issue): Introduction
South Africa’s Women’s Budget Initiative (WBI) is a pilot project spearheaded by the Commonwealth Secretariat in its endeavor to promote gender issues in the macroeconomic policies of its member countries. The WBI assesses the national, provincial, and local budgets from a gender perspective by tracking the impact of the budget on women. Many South African ministries have now accepted the concept of analyzing their budget from a gender perspective. Civil society agencies and women’s groups at the local level can participate in project activities through collaborative workshops with organizations such as GETNET (the Gender Education and Training Network) and UNIFEM (the United Nations Fund for Women). As follow-up to one of these meetings, a simplified version of the workshop findings was published for the general public, particularly for women’s groups. A strong alliance between civil society activists and government departments is one of the key features of the project. An important point to note is that the concrete impact of such projects, which have a national scope, usually is observable over time after a slow and gradual process.
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