Human rights, poverty reduction and sustainable development : health, food and water
The draft Plan of Implementation for the World Summit on Sustainable Development, recognizes poverty eradication as the greatest global challenge facing the world today and an indispensable requirement for sustainable development.2 It is now widely accepted that – on the one hand - poverty should not be seen only as a lack of income, but also as a deprivation of human rights, and – on the other hand - that unless the problems of poverty are addressed, there can be no sustainable development. It is equally accepted that sustainable development requires environmental protection and that environmental degradation leads directly and indirectly to violations of human rights. The Secretary General has called for the World Summit to focus on achieving concrete results in five areas. These are; water and sanitation, energy, agricultural productivity, biodiversity and ecosystem management and health. (WEHAB)3 . This background paper examines how human rights as both a normative framework, and as strategic tools can strengthen three of the WEHAB areas; health, food and water
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