Yogyakarta principles comic
Hello friends, Yogyakarta Principles comic was created especially for you guys (lesbian,gay, bisexsual and transgenders)—young LGBTIQ in Indonesia. What isYogyakarta Principles (YP)? These are the principles on the enforcementof human rights related to the choice of sexual orientation and genderidentity. What is human rights anyway? Human rights are the rights given tohuman being since their birth that do not distinguish them by status,group, race, religion, position or even their sexual orientation and genderidentity. So as part of LGBTIQ group we do have our human rights likeany other human being. But in reality there are a lot of human rightsviolation against this group, such as rape, torture, different treatmentin workplace, forced arrest and detainment and any forms of violenceagainst the LGBT groups. It ain’t fair, is it???!!! So YP was developed to respond any forms of violence reported fromall over the world. Of course these principles were created as an effort toenforce human rights of LGBTIQ all over the world. The YP were composedin a meeting attended by some experts in law and human rights whocame from all over the world on November 6-9, 2006 at Gajah MadaUniversity, Yogyakarta. Institut Pelangi Perempuan that has been working on the empowermentof young lesbian, bisexual, women and transgender in Jakarta, Bogor,Depok, Tangerang and Bekasi area has the initiative to introduce YogyakartaPrinciples in a form of comic, which will be easier to understand in termsof content because as we know YP has a lot of legal terms that are difficultto be understood by our fellow young LGBTIQs. The concept itself wascreated as attractive as possible so that you’ll be interested in reading it. This comic was not coming out of nowhere and printed automaticallybut it has gone through a series of process of interview with some youngLGBTIQ in Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang and Bekasi area on theirdaily experiences. We then collected those interviews into a fiction in thiscomic. The concept of this comic was a collaborative result with academicsfrom Gender and Sexuality Studies of Universitas Indonesia and humanrights activists that contributed a lot in the creation of this YP comic. So that was the background of this comic, we hope this comic will givecertain color in our life. The government of Indonesia has not yet adoptedYP but by understanding the content of YP, it is expected that we will beable to build the awareness of young LGBTIQ to make the application ofYogyakarta Principles in our life. Salam Pelangi
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