Violence againts Women: Reflections in Print Media Reflection in Print Media
Violence against women is a worldwide epidemic. It may take different forms depending on history, culture, background, and experiences, but it causes great suffering for women, their families, and the communities in which they live. It is often imbedded in concepts of gender and the roles of men and women that are considered the “norm” in a given culture at a given time, and it is manifested in efforts to exert power and control over women’s bodies and lives. Yet, violence against women can be reduced or even eliminated with adequate awareness, resources, and political will. Physical violence involves intentionally using physical force, strength or a weapon to harm or injure the woman. Sexual violence includes abusive sexual contact, making a woman engage in a sexual act without her consent, and attempted or completed sex acts with a woman who is ill, disabled, under pressure or under the influence of alcohol or other drugs. Psychological violence includes controlling or isolating the woman, and humiliating or embarrassing her. Economic violence includes denying a woman access to and control over basic resources.
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